Page 135 of Jocks

Falling For Autumn 17


BeforeKolsoncouldclimb off the bus, his phone pinged. It was a message from Autumn. Good luck today.

It made Kolson’s heart warm. As he waited for his teammates to file out, he messaged back thank you. He hadn’t stopped thinking about her since that kiss last night and he wanted to see her again before their tutor session on Monday, but he couldn’t think of a good excuse. Besides, he planned on impressing her by having his second draft before he saw her.

“Who you texting?” Marco leaned over the seat and craned his neck to see. “Is it that hot-tutor chick?”

Kolson held the phone down so Marco couldn’t see.

“Did she send nudes?” Marco’s neck was stretched so far, he looked like an ostrich.

Kolson shook his head and shoved his phone in his bag without even reacting to Marco’s stupidity. He really wanted to punch him, but that probably wasn’t the best idea before a game. He didn’t want Marco or anyone else to think of her that like that. This was Autumn … crazy, sweet, and salty. When he closed his eyes he could picture her light-brown hair and how there were always a couple locks of hair spilling out of her ponytail, framing her face. Her hazel eyes were bright with a bit of spunk in them.

He wished she could be here, cheering in the stands, but he didn’t feel like they were at a place where he could ask her to travel two hours to watch him play. He filed off the bus with the rest of his teammates. One good thing about Marco’s comment was it had him ready to hit somebody.

After a weekend of playing a great game and working on his paper, Kolson walked proudly into the library. Autumn lit up and waved from a private study room. He was glad they got that again. He could make her laugh and not have to worry about disturbing anyone. They had only messaged each other the last couple of days. He hadn’t had time for facetiming, talking on the phone, or meeting up. Though he really wanted to do at least one of those. Her reply to his messages yesterday was how he should work on his paper, but she did punctuate it with a smiley face.

Kolson did get the chance to talk to his mom this weekend. She always checked in after a game if she wasn’t able to make it. He’d talked so much about Autumn that his mom wanted to meet her. His home was less than an hour from here. A quick weekend trip, if Autumn was down for it.

Once Kolson approached their study room, Autumn stepped out of the way for him to enter. He wanted to lean in and kiss her as he passed, but wasn’t sure if they were in that kind of relationship. Yet. He hoped it could be something more. His hand brushed hers and he wanted to thread his fingers through hers, then she shut the door and they were alone except the large window facing the library, that separated them from everyone else.

“Do you have the paper?” She slid into the chair in front of her computer.

“It’s great to see you, too.” He sat beside her, and dropped his backpack onto the ground with a thud.

“Same.” Her smile lit up her face. “It will be even better if your paper’s finished.”

He pulled the seven-paged paper out of the folder in his backpack. He was proud of himself for putting it in the folder to keep it from crinkling around the edges.

She smiled and pulled the paper toward her. “I’m impressed, Quarterback.”

“I’m a linebacker.” He scratched the back of his head.

She looked at his paper. “Same thing.”

He opened his mouth to explain how different a quarterback was from a linebacker but decided not to.

Autumn took the paper and began to read.

His stomach grumbled.

She peered at him over the paper. “You didn’t eat?”

He shook his head.

She sighed and began to gather her stuff. “Come on, let’s go to the dining hall.”

“Really?” He didn’t know why that surprised him. She did that for him before they even liked one another. She even brought him tacos.

“Maybe we could move the tutoring sessions until after you eat.” She closed her laptop. “The library would be closed, but …” She lifted a shoulder as she pushed her laptop into her bag. “Maybe we can study in your room?”

“Are you trying to get me alone?” He teased, though he didn’t mind the thought at all.

Her cheeks turned pink.

“Relax, Hazel, I’m teasing.” He chuckled.