Page 134 of Jocks

“Kolson,” she said.

“Who’s Kolson?” He followed her to the kitchen. Preston had the fridge wide open and was hunkered over with his head inside like a bear ransacking for food.

“A guy I tutor.”

“Didn’t look like you were getting much tutoring done.” He grumbled and crossed his arms.

“What’s going on?” Mom walked in bleary-eyed as if she’d just woken from a nap.

“Autumn was kissing a boy on the sidewalk,” Dad said.

Mom’s reaction was the exact opposite of Dad’s. Her entire face lit up. “The date went well?”

Dad whipped toward Mom. “You’re encouraging this?”

“Oh please, Jared, you wouldn’t care if it were Preston.” Mom turned toward Preston who was still halfway in the fridge. “Preston, grab what you want and get out of there.”

He didn’t budge, just stayed there as if he hadn’t heard.

Dad leaned into him and tapped on the earbud. Preston startled then waved a hand as he jumped back. He removed his earbud and looked at the three of them, his mouth gaped. “What?”

“Get out of the fridge,” Dad grumbled.

“Oh,” Preston nodded and reached in, pulling out string cheese and two bottles of water. Dad had double standards. If Preston grabbed two waters that meant there was another person in his room with him and it was most likely a girl.

“We’ll talk about this in the morning.” Dad walked away.

“Don’t worry about him.” Mom waved. “I hope you had a good time.” Then her face grew serious. “But not too good of a time. You didn’t did you?”

Autumn shook her head. Mom looked relieved. Did she have a little bit of the double standards, too? Yes, Autumn was three years younger than Preston, but she remembered when he was in high school and had girlfriends over.