Page 133 of Jocks

Falling For Autumn 16


Autumnhadplannedon telling him. To blurt out ‘I’m still in high school and only seventeen’. It had been on the tip of her tongue, but this had been the best date ever. She didn’t want to ruin it with that.

At least she wouldn’t have to pretend to go into the dorms. What if Dad or Preston were outside? Preston was probably locked in his room with either a girl or video games. Dad was surely asleep by now.

She hesitated letting Kolson know where she lived, but she also wanted to be near him as long as possible. If she could get away with staying out later, she would. But even though Mom encouraged this date, she might not be all that excited for Autumn to show up in the middle of the night.

“Is your brother going to kick my ass if I show up with you?” He laughed.

“I’m sure Preston’s in his man cave.” He only emerged for food and sports.

“Sounds like we’d get along.”

“Probably.” It wasn’t lost on her how much she’d thought he was like Preston when she first met him. But Kolson was much more than Preston. He talked to his mom every time she called. Though he had stalled a lot, he still did the work she asked him to do. He had a great sense of humor. Kolson was much better looking than Preston and smelled better, too.

“Speaking of brothers, you still need to introduce me to that trombone player.” She nudged him as they walked down the sidewalk.

He leaned his head back and laughed. His neck was nice. Why was she thinking about his neck? She’d never noticed a guy’s neck before. Eyes and smiles, yes. But then again, Autumn was beginning to think everything about Kolson was attractive even when he deflected. Then he put his hand on her back. She felt it in her toes. “He doesn’t like chocolate, remember?”

“Ah, yes, the deal breaker.” As they walked, they closed the distance between them. It warmed her both inside and out. “Not eating chocolate is a red flag.”

The walk was relaxing even though the thought of one of her family members being outside by some chance had her heart racing for an entirely different reason than being close to him. She needed the chance to tell him her age before someone else did, but she also didn’t want tonight to end that way. She’d looked it up. It wasn’t illegal for a twenty year old to be with a seventeen year old in Ohio. She felt silly now about how long she’d let it go without telling him the truth. Since she began tutoring when she was fourteen, she’d made a habit of never letting those she tutored know her age. Omitting her real age to someone she tutored had never been a thing before, but she never liked any of them like this either.

They strolled by the sorority and fraternity houses on their way to hers. They were both oddly quiet for a weekend. Autumn held the blanket tighter around her shoulders. By now Kolson’s arm was around her and she didn’t want him to move it. As she got closer to her house, she began to slow. It was less than a block from the Greeks. She stopped when they got to it, sad that their walk was over. If it wasn’t for her dad and brother, she’d consider inviting him inside.

“This is me.” She pointed toward the porch.

Kolson’s feet stopped beside her, making no effort to move. His hand began moving up and down her side. “I would ask you to go running tomorrow, but I have an away game.”

Right. She had never wanted to see a football game more, but it was far away.

“Are you going to have your paper done by Monday?”

“Yes, Miss Hazel, I’ll have the paper finished and on your desk Monday.” He smiled at her.

She tipped her face toward him and he moved closer. Autumn felt like her heart was going to leap out of her chest as his eyes flicked toward her lips. He leaned in, his mouth so close to her, she felt his breath on her skin. Then she closed her eyes and his lips pressed against hers. Soft and warm a flicker in her stomach rose to her chest.

He tugged her closer. Their bodies pressed together. His solid chest against hers. She couldn’t feel his heart beating, but wondered if he felt the erratic thrum of hers. She wished she lived at the dorms so she could stand here and kiss him as long as she wanted and wouldn’t have to wonder if someone would see.

“Autumn.” A low voice came from the porch. She hadn’t been doing anything wrong, but she pulled away from Kolson quickly as if she had been. The very thing she’d been afraid of. Dad standing on the front porch in his plaid pajama bottoms and white tee. What was left of his thin, grey hair stuck up in tufts. But worse than how embarrassing he was dressed; he had interrupted their first kiss together.

Kolson cleared his throat then wiped his hands on his jeans as if he’d had them somewhere he shouldn’t. “Mr. Waite.”

“Doctor.” Dad corrected dryly.

Autumn cringed, now was not the time for Dad to get technical about his proper title.

“Dad,” Autumn said, “this is Kolson.”

“Nice to meet you, Dr. Waite.” Kolson’s voice cracked a little and it was kind of cute to see his vulnerable side.

Dad nodded, but didn’t return the sentiment. She had to give him the benefit of doubt though because he had walked out on the boy kissing his only daughter.

“I guess I’ll see you Monday?” Kolson turned toward Autumn and began to back away facing her. She would have loved to seal that with another one of those kisses, but now they had an audience. Autumn waved as he walked backwards away from their house. She didn’t want to take her eyes off him until she could no longer see him.

“Who was that?” Dad asked before they were even inside.