Page 126 of Jocks

He chuckled. “Don’t worry, Hazel, I think they’re cute.”

She felt her face flush even more than it was from running. Did he just call something of hers cute? “I don’t know.” She paused to inhale. “If that was an insult or compliment.”

Kolson leaned close to her, his warm breath on her skin had her struggling to breathe for an entirely different reason. “It was a compliment, Hazel.”

“I’ll walk you back to the dorm,” Kolson he fell into stride beside her when they were finished.

She was barely walking, her breaths labored, and legs like rubber. Was she getting a blister on her heel? These shoes weren’t broken in yet. Maybe she should have worn last year’s track shoes.

“I’m not going back to the dorm.” She took a drink of water.

“Where you going,” he asked.

Crap, where was she going to tell him? “The library.” Was the first thing that popped in her mind. She had no books, but she hoped he didn’t question it.

“Oh, okay. That’s cool.” He nodded as he began to back away, heading toward his dorm. His hands were shoved in the pocket of his hoodie.

“See you at tutoring next week?” She tried not to make the deep breaths obvious.

He tilted his head. “Can I see you before then?”

Autumn was glad her cheeks were already pink from the cold, because if they weren’t he’d be able to tell that she was blushing. “Like run again?” Even though her body was screaming no more running.

“My roommate’s film class is showing a movie in the quad tomorrow night.”

Her heart began to race even more than it was. Did he mean a date? Or was it just as friends? “Okay.” She tried to act cool as she said it.

“I’ll pick up at your dorm?” He leaned forward.

That stupid dorm. “I’ll meet you there.”

His expression faltered for a second. “Okay.

Autumn was cheering inside even though her entire body felt like it could melt into a puddle of goo. She took the long way home, looping around the library. She needed to talk to Berkley, but she was in second period.