Page 125 of Jocks

Falling For Autumn 12


In hindsight, acting like she could run a mile may have been a bad idea. About the time Autumn rounded the first lap, keeping pace with Kolson, her side began to ache, and her lungs burned with the cool, morning air. She tried to steady her breathing. How was Kolson doing this with ease? He was laughing and talking beside her, but she was afraid to reply. Then again, his legs were twice the length as hers. One stride for him was about two or three for her and she was out of shape.

“You alright, Hazel?” There was a glint in his eyes as he barely broke a sweat beside her.

She nodded. “Yeah.” Then yawned to hide the fact that she was struggling to breathe.

“We can take a break if you want.” He nudged her shoulder.

“I … don’t … need a break.” Her words came out choppy through her embarrassing, heavy breaths. She hated herself for agreeing to go on this stupid run and even more for making it a contest.

He smirked.

If she hadn’t wanted to see him this morning she would have said no when he messaged.

Kolson put his hand on her back. It sent tingles through her. “Let’s get a drink.”

Autumn followed Kolson to the fountain, but she wasn’t about to put her mouth on that thing. Even if she wouldn’t have minded drinking after him, she didn’t know who else’s mouth had been there. He motioned for her to go first, but she looked toward the vending machines instead. “I’m going to get something from there.” She pointed at the machine.

Kolson looked toward the vending machine and nodded. His cheeks and nose were pink from the cold. He nodded. “Okay.”

“I’ll be right back.” She walked to the machine because she wasn’t about to jog more than she had to. Her side felt like it was being stabbed. She resisted the urge to press her palm against it. Kolson couldn’t see how much she was struggling. Autumn put the money in the machine and pushed the button for water, taking slow steady breaths.

She looked over her shoulder at Kolson, he jogged in place as he sipped from the water fountain. Did he ever stop? The bottled water rolled down with a thud. Autumn took it from the dispenser and uncapped it. She couldn’t get enough to drink as she chugged.

When she brought the bottle down, Kolson was watching her. She raised her eyebrows. He cracked a smile. Even at this distance the smile did something to her insides. Autumn began walking toward Kolson as he jogged to her.

“You ready to get back out there or do you need a minute?” He motioned to the track.

“I don’t need a minute.” She lifted her chin. Even though her body screamed that she needed several minutes, maybe a week or two. But she wasn’t going to show her defeat. She sat the water on the ground.

“Let’s go.” He put his hand on her back. As soon as they were on the track, he removed it and began swinging his arms.

“You can go ahead,” she said. “I’m pacing myself. I’ll catch up.” Even though she knew that wasn’t going to happen.

He grinned. “Sure you will,” then added, “but that defeats the purpose.”

“The purpose?”

“The reason I asked you to run with me was so we could run together.” He turned around, running backwards in front of her.

Her heart flipped when he said those words.

“The purpose isn’t to push yourself for a workout?” She couldn’t believe she was able to talk without taking a labored breath.

One corner of his mouth tipped up as he spun around and fell into stride beside her. She’d liked him running backward. She could look at his face easier. “The purpose of running with someone is to run with them.”

“You want to run with me?” She felt stupid after the words left her lips. Of course, he did, why else would he have invited her?

“That’s why I texted you,” he said. “If not, I would have just come by myself and run a man’s pace.”

She pursed her lips.

“I’m kidding. I’m in shape because I have to be for football or else I’d be struggling like you and your hobbit legs.”

“Uh,” She squeaked and looked down at her knees. “I don’t have hobbit legs.”