Page 117 of Jocks

Falling For Autumn 8


Deflectingseemedtobe a thing with Kolson. He was quite good at it. If he didn’t want to talk about that girl and he walked off with Autumn without the girl flipping out, he must be telling the truth that they weren’t a couple. Not that Autumn wanted to be the other half of his couple. She had enjoyed talking to him. Maybe it was the environment. The loud music that hyped emotions. The foggy haze of vapes floating in the air may have kept some oxygen from going to her brain, but still, all she wanted to do was stand here and talk to Kolson. Deflecting or not.

“Does your brother play football?” Kolson asked.

“He did in high school.”

“Where’d he go?” Suddenly he’d turned the tables was the one asking questions. If he knew how to deflect, so did she.

“What about you? Do you have any siblings?” The less he knew about her the better.

“Younger brother.” He shoved a hand in one of his pockets.

“Does he play football?” As if that was the beginning and end of everything. She was sure it may have been to Kolson.

“Actually, no.” Kolson smirked and tilted his head. “He’s in the band.”


“Trombone.” He looked over her head toward the doorway as if he was waiting on Mackenzie.

“The trombone is a cool instrument,” Autumn said.

He was in the middle of taking a drink when he spewed it out and laughed. “I need to set this water down. You’re too much.”

“What?” She shrugged.

He tapped his chest with a closed fist. “My brother’s a dork. The trombone’s dorky.”

“Spoken like a true jock.”

“I can fix you up if you’re into band geeks.” Autumn knew he was joking, but she couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed that he’d found her a better fit for his brother than him. Did he think she was a nerd? Why did she care? Kolson was a guy she tutored. Not like she was going to date him.

“What else do you like, Hazel?” He propped his elbow on the counter. “I mean besides trombone players and schoolwork?”

A giggle erupted out of her. An actual giggle. She caught herself and looked down at her drink. Had it been spiked?

“What do you like besides football?” Autumn didn’t have many interests outside of studying, besides watching movies, but that seemed basic. If he ended up asking her what kind of movies she liked then she’d have to tell him teen romcoms and that would be embarrassing because right now she felt like she was in one.

“I like to eat,” he said.

“That I know.” She pushed her hair off her shoulder. “What’s your favorite food?”

“It’s a tie between pizza and tacos.”

Now she didn’t feel as bad for being a basic movie watcher. He liked basic fast foods. “Which one is your favorite of the two?”


“Do you like anything besides football and food?”

“Video games.”

“Don’t all guys like video games?” At least all the ones that came to her house did. Preston always wanted her to play but beat her every time.

He shrugged.