Page 112 of Jocks

“You look better without your glasses.” He motioned to his eyes. Which were so dark they were almost black.

“You do, too.”

“Right,” he nodded, not seeming to get the joke, but also somehow grew closer to her. The wall behind her kept her from getting anymore distance between them.

“I’m going to go find my friend.” She pointed behind him.

He kept his smile. His hand still pressed against the wall next to her, his head tilted down as if he was trying to steal her oxygen.

“Don’t leave me. We’re just starting to get to know one another.” He then put his hand on her arm. Even through her sleeve, he felt creepy.

“I really should go find her.” She tugged her arm away.

He turned completely toward her and caged her in with his hands braced against the wall. Autumn’s heart pounded. She’d heard horror stories about things that happened at parties, yet that wasn’t what she feared. She’d battled it out with her brother enough times to know one good kick to the groin would keep that from happening. However, she didn’t like feeling like she was trapped. He leaned closer. His liquored breath made her stomach turn.

“Your friend’s having fun. You don’t want to be a buzz kill.” When his clammy hand landed on her side, she regretted letting Berkley talk her into the crop top.

“I want to leave.” Autumn’s voice came out scratchy.

“The party is getting started.”

Autumn tried to look around him, but he was right in her face. Just as she was getting ready to lift her knee, she heard, “Someone doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.” Autumn didn’t recognize the voice, but she was thankful for it. She didn’t want to cause a scene.

Marco turned. The breath came back to Autumn’s lungs.

“Come on, Marco, leave the girl alone.” With Marco no longer blocking her view, Autumn noticed a pretty blonde. Her hair was curled not much differently than Autumn’s and her shirt was cropped a little shorter.

“Kenzie,” Marco was completely turned toward the other girl now.

“Flirt with someone who wants it,” Kenzie said.

Autumn pulled her arms across her stomach and took in a good breath of air. It still wasn’t as open as she liked, but at least she no longer felt caged.

“Like you?” Marco slithered toward Kenzie.

“In your dreams.” She rolled her eyes. Her lashes were super thick and long.

“Hey Marco.” Someone shouted from the crowd. When his attention was diverted, the girl turned toward Autumn.

“You have to watch him,” she said.

“Thanks,” Autumn said.

“I’m Mackenzie.” Mackenzie tilted her head. “Are you a freshman?”

Autumn nodded, she had enough credits to be considered a sophomore, but those were small details.

“Mackenzie.” Another voice came from the crowd. Mackenzie looked away then she nodded before she turned back to Autumn. “What’s your name?”

“Autumn,” she said.

“Autumn, have you pledged to a sorority?”

Autumn looked away, she wondered if Mackenzie was in the sorority where Kolson had stayed that night. “Uh, no.”

“You should come pledge at mine.” When she rattled off the Greek letters Autumn barely heard her over a new song blasting. She smiled and nodded. Autumn didn’t have any intentions of joining a sorority here even if she could. “Look us up.” Mackenzie walked away.

Autumn scanned the room now that she was standing by herself again. She needed to find Kolson to show him she was here, then get Berkley and leave.