Page 110 of Jocks

Falling For Autumn 5


Autumnwastryingto be patient with Kolson, knowing that it was difficult to concentrate when your stomach was growling. That was why she offered to study here instead of the library. She hadn’t thought about having so many distractions.

Kolson was probably the classic cliché jock in high school. The homecoming king who dated the homecoming queen all through school, or the guy who dated a different girl every week, each one believing that they would finally be the girl who he changed his ways for.

“Are you always so serious, Hazel?” Kolson smirked before shoveling food into his mouth.

“Yes. Serious is how you succeed.”

“Where has it gotten you?” He took a drink of milk. “I mean other than college and tutoring?” He didn’t say it in a condescending tone, it was like he was actually serious.

However, she bit her tongue before admitting she was an actual high school student taking college classes and tutoring college students. “I plan on my hard work paying off after I graduate.”

“What do you plan to do then?” Kolson was stalling. Autumn knew this was another way to get out of doing work.

Autumn glanced at the time. “We don’t have much longer.” She felt frustrated. This was their second session and not one thing had been accomplished.

“Don’t you get paid if we work or not?” he asked.

“I don’t like to fail. If you fail with me as your tutor, then I’ve failed at tutoring you.” Even if that would never go on any record, the thought made her cringe.

“Tell you what, come to the party and I’ll be prepared next time.” The statement was completed with his charming smile, dimples, and brown eyes.

“Are you serious?” This was a first. “You’re bribing me? You’re the one who’ll be kicked off the team if you don’t get the grades expected of you. Not to mention lose your scholarship.”

“You need to relax, Hazel.” He leaned back in his chair, most of the food had vanished from his tray. “What’s the point of all this hard work if you don’t even stop to enjoy life once in a while?” He motioned around them as if the dining hall was where the fun happened.

“I …” she began to retort, to veer him back to the reason they were here when he held up a hand. She crossed her eyes in front of her, looking at the monstrous thing. She didn’t like being interrupted.

“No excuses.” He said as if she was the one who needed to do something, not him. “I’ll make you a deal, you go to the party for me and next session I’ll come prepared and not stall.”

“Like you’re still stalling now?” She tilted her head. “Do you even have any sources?”

He shrugged as he took another drink.

Autumn’s experiences with parties outside of a child’s birthday from when she was younger, was the one Preston threw in their basement after prom. She’d only been a freshman at the time. Most of the people that were there were either girls who worshiped Preston or boys that were as gross and smelled as funky as he did.

“Come on, Hazel, you know you want to.” He patted her hand. There was the tiniest bit of a spark when he did. She pulled away and curled it into a fist as if she was going to punch him. He grinned.

It wasn’t like she had to stay long. If he held his end of the deal, then it would make her job easier. “Fine, but let’s get a little bit done with what time we have left.”

“Really?” He sat up straighter, his eyes wide as if he wasn’t expecting her to actually agree.

“Yeah, let’s work.” She pointed toward the computer. She was sure her BFF, Berkely, would be more than happy to tag along to this party with her.

Kolson nodded and pulled his chair around the table to sit right beside her. Autumn shifted so he wasn’t as close, then began to work.

“I’m still in shock you agreed to go to a party.” Berkley rooted through Autumn’s closet.

“Shhh.” Autumn didn’t want her mom to overhear. Not that her mom would care, but she’d make a bigger deal about it than Berkely.

Berkley turned and held a cropped sweater to her chest. “What do you think? Can I borrow?”

The tags dangled from it because Mom had bought it as a gift. Autumn never wore it. “You can have it. It’s too itchy for me.”

Berkley pulled her t-shirt off and shrugged into the sweater. “What are you going to wear?” Then she turned back toward Autumn’s closet.