Page 11 of Jocks

The shower worked wonders.I stepped out, fresh and far less aroused than when I had stepped into the bathroom.Brushing my teeth, I realized how much of the day I had missed.Gage had made his point well.I had no argument with what the team had done on my behalf.I’d do it for them in a heartbeat.

The lights were off in my room.I slid under the covers, my heart stopping for a moment when I thought she wasn’t there.Her hands brushed over my thigh and she pulled me into her body, curling around me and kissing me with every inch of the passion I’d given her earlier.

And just like that, arousal hit me as hard as hell and I needed her again.

But I had promised her.

My fingertips brushed over her, encountering bare skin.Sa=wallowing, I drew my hand upward, and encountered soft material.I leaned down to inhale her.Definitely one of mine.

That single thought made my chest ache all the more.I squeezed my eyes shut, willing sleep to come on fast and hard.

She gave a little shimmy against me.

I caught her hips, pinning her to the bed with just enough force to elicit a gasp.“Danm, girl.You need to rein that in cause I can’t give you the fucking I want to be your first with me until I’ve had some sleep.”I paused and cracked one eye open.“You’re not a virgin, are you?”

She snorted, very unladylike.“Hell, no.”

I grinned, winding my arms around her tighter.“Good.”

“Crush?”Willow’s light touch on my arm gave voice to her hesitation, but I found her hand with mine, curling my fingers tightly around hers.She sighed softly, stoking her hand along my stomach and over my thigh.Her body was relaxed against mine, and I suspected she hadn’t known she’d done it.

I rose to the occasion anyway, rather painfully making it to half-mast despite my exhaustion, or maybe because of it.“Girl, if you think I can be energetic after the beating I just took, you don’t know hockey.”

“I used to know basketball and after a win, everything turned to parties and alcohol.”She dropped her gaze.

“We won?”Where the hell was my head at?I hadn’t thought to ask, and more importantly, neither my boys nor Coach had thought to tell me.I covered my shock, though I didn’t miss the hesitation in her words and wondered what sort of drugs the ex boyfriend had been into.My blood boiled at the thought of anyone being out of control with her.

“Yes.Didn’t you know?”she tilted her head to one side, looking up at me.

I stroked her hair, pushing aside the win and focusing on something that riled my blood as I traced over her shoulders.“Did he hurt you?”I asked, tugging her closer until she curled on my chest, our legs entangled.“The basketball prick?”

She giggled into my chest as I wound my arms around her, and drew her knees up over mine like a damn kitten wound around me.

“I don’t know that he was a prick.Well, sometimes.Okay, often.He got…angry.”She chose her words with care, and my rage simmered a little hotter.

“Was he bad after a game?”I asked softly.

“Not initially.At first, he was fine.Then he got all rowdy and showy with the hugs and kisses.But once we hit the party house, whichever one we were at, and he started to trash the other team, then he got nasty.There was always a fight, and he was always involved.”

“He ever turn on you?”

Willow paused in her story telling.

I ran my fingers along her spine in long strokes and she settled deeper into my chest.I wanted her closer, couldn’t get enough of him, contact, kisses, just holding her to me.It broke me that she’d only been in my life for a handful of hours.I needed it to be so much longer than that.Somewhere deep inside me lit up with the urge to make a history with this woman.

“Once.The night that I walked away from him.I don't think he meant to hit me.He swung at someone else.They moved and I got in the way.So I just walked out.”

“Did he call you to apologize?”I trailed my fingers through her hair, massaging the back of her neck.Having her curled around me was like being beneath a damn good quilt.I stifled a yawn against the back of my hand,sinking deeper into my pillow.

“Never.Not a message, nothing.I guess he might be ashamed.Or maybe he doesn’t care.I didn’t chase or look him up, I just let it go.”She shrugged into my hands.

“You deserve so much better, Willow.”I kissed the top of her head, and rested my cheek against it.Vanilla and berry notes wafted from her.I didn’t know if I could give her better, but I was damn well willing to try.

She felt and smelled so damn good, and I was in so much trouble with this girl.

Her hand skated over my shirt, slipping beneath it to go on a little discovery tour.

“Tomorrow, Princess.”I yawned.“I’m shattered.But get closer so I can fall asleep with your cute little body wrapped around me.”

“Cute?”The single word came out muffled against my skin.

“S’what I said.Sleep.”I pulled her warmth onto my chest, covering us both with blankets, and relaxed into my pillow.I’d probably pay for the cute remark in the morning.

For now, sleep.Then tomorrow…I passed out with a smile on my face, thinking of the things I’d do to her to get another of those little noises I already adored.

The cute ones.

Crush and Willow’s story will be continued…