Page 106 of Jocks

Falling For Autumn 3


It made no sense for Autumn to drive to campus when it was only a ten-minute walk. It was early morning the air still crisp, but it was one of those fall days that would feel like summer by the time she was finished with her classes. Two at the college this morning and then off to the high school for one this afternoon before she headed to the library for another tutoring session. This morning she wore her favorite hoodie. She adjusted her backpack as she walked by the sorority house.

The front door of the house swung open and she looked up to say a polite hello. She wasn’t sure who she expected to walk out this early in the morning. One of the several girls who lived there, but it wasn’t one of the girls she knew. It wasn’t even a girl at all, but a guy. He was hunched over like he was trying to be as quiet as possible as he closed the door. He was tall and had a ball cap on backwards. Autumn meant to look away before he saw her, nothing more awkward than waving to a guy who was doing the walk of shame, but she didn’t turn away in time.

However, instead of sheepish embarrassment she thought she’d feel when he saw her, she felt a surge of irritation when she realized it was the guy she tutored last night, Kolson Tackett. If he came here after the study session that he was so anxious to leave, then he more than likely didn’t work on anything they discussed.

At first, he looked as surprised to see her as she was to see him. Then he smiled his lazy sideways smile with a dimple and said, “Hazel.”

“Autumn.” She corrected and continued to walk.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?” Kolson strolled beside her with very little effort.

“Class. Where else would I be going?”

He shrugged. “Breakfast?”

She opened her mouth to say she already ate breakfast at home, but didn’t because she didn’t want to give any clue that she might not be a traditional college student. Instead she said, “I see you got a lot of studying done last night.”

Kolson laughed. It was a nice laugh and she was sure it worked on others, but not her. Autumn was immune to charm.

“Yeah,” he said.

“Human anatomy?” She couldn’t help but crack the tiniest bit of a smile at her clever joke.

It made him laugh even louder. “You could say that.”

Was he a man whore like her brother, Preston, who paraded girls in and out of his room like it was a game. Mom and Dad never said anything about it either. Yes, he was twenty, technically an adult, but they could at least say something because it was their house.

“Are you headed to breakfast?” She asked because for some reason he insisted on walking with her and it was weird walking with someone you barely knew and not talk.

“Yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck again. “Got a long day with classes and practice.”

Just because he stayed with a girl last night didn’t mean it was a one-night stand. He could have a girlfriend. He looked like the kind of guy who had a girlfriend. Any good girlfriend, though, would have made sure he studied and not played in bed with him all night. Why did she have to picture that? Kolson in bed with a girl.

“Do you have early classes, too?” She was trying to drive that image out of her brain.

“I have to hit the weights after breakfast. Then class.”

“Food, girls, and working out. Is that your entire life?”

He quirked a sideways smile. If she would have said that to Preston, he’d be offended. She hadn’t been trying to offend Kolson. It was a good thing he wasn’t. “You think you know me, Hazel?”

“My name is Autumn,” she said.

“That’s me.” He pointed toward the dining hall. A place Autumn hadn’t even set foot in. He reached for the door.

“Don’t forget to have your sources for me by our next session,” she said.

“Sure will, Hazel,” he winked.

She opened her mouth to correct him again, but he was already inside.