Page 104 of Jocks

“If we’re going that route, why not write how the legal drinking age should be dropped to sixteen while you’re at it.”

“Not a bad idea.” He nodded. Her sarcasm going completely over his head. “At least drop it to twenty.”

Twenty. He was the same age as Preston. He acted like him, too. Only he was cuter than Preston. She was sure he got away with way more than her brother did. Preston was at this college only because their parents worked here. As much as they had told her it would be okay go here next year too, this was the last place she wanted to attend after high school.

“Or …” he continued, “About how parents should make their kids play sports at an early age.”

“What if their child doesn’t like sports?” Autumn was offended. She had always been academically inclined. Preston was the one in sports. Though Autumn had run track the last few years. Only to look well rounded on college applications by participating.

“It teaches teamwork and cooperation.”

She tilted her head. “That’s where you learned to cooperate so well?”

“I cooperate.” He sat up a little straighter as if that was going to prove his point.

She sighed and glanced at her phone.

“Have somewhere better to be?” He quirked a sideways smile that she was sure he thought would drop her panties.

“Anywhere but here.” She smirked back at him. “But this is my job.” She pointed toward the papers. She had to try to get him to cooperate.