Page 103 of Jocks

“It would take a load off me if you did.” He smiled revealing perfectly straight, white teeth and a dimple. It was a smile she was sure worked on others, but she wasn’t falling for it. Autumn had a job to do. She didn’t cut corners and she certainly didn’t cheat.

“Except I won’t because that’s wrong.”

He sighed and ran his hand over his damp hair. “I don’t have time.”

“You think I do?” Like his time was more valuable than hers. “Besides, this is not my assignment.”

“I bet you’re really good at writing papers.” He leaned forward, too close.

“Still not my paper.” Autumn was smart enough to not do something immoral just because he had a cute smile.

“You have really pretty eyes.” Now he was staring at her eyes?

“Oh, come on.” She pushed on her clear framed glasses as if that would take attention away from her. Not that she believed he actually noticed her eyes and wasn’t giving her a line. When she dropped her hand to the table it was harder than she’d meant, making it sound like a slap.

“What?” He held his hands up and shrugged. “You do.”

“How many girls have you said that to this week?” Autumn’s patience was thinning. She’d tutored a lot of deflectors over the last few years, but this one was on a whole new level.

“Zero.” He furrowed his brow. “I’m serious, your eyes are gold and brown and green. Like your name, Autumn.”

“I believe the word you’re looking for is hazel. Autumn is not an eye color.”

He smirked. “But that doesn’t work, because your name isn’t Hazel.”

“Can we focus on your assignment?” She motioned to the mess of papers and open laptop.

“Right.” Kolson turned toward the assignment, attempting a serious face, but his mouth kept twitching as if he wanted to smile.

“Do you have a plan?” She ignored his attempt to not smirk.

“I dunno.” Of course, he didn’t.

“Did your professor give you a list of topics?” Whenever Autumn’s mother taught comp, she’d give her students a list to pick from in case they didn’t know what to write.

“No?” He scratched the back of his neck where his hair was starting to curl as it dried.

“Do you have anything in mind?”

“I haven’t thought about it,” he shrugged.

“You’re kidding?” She didn’t know why she was surprised.

“What?” He held up his hands like he didn’t even care. Did he know that college was optional? But then again, sports was the only reason he was in college.

He looked down at his watch.

“Do you have somewhere you need to be?” Autumn was tired of him wasting her time. He’d already been late and now he wanted to leave when they hadn’t even started.

“Actually, yeah.” He looked over his shoulder.

“Why did you schedule this session if you have somewhere else better to be?” Autumn crossed her arms.

“I …”

“We’re supposed to work until seven, that is the time I have blocked for this.”

“Okay.” He held up his hands in surrender. “I just …” He shook his head and looked down at the book. “How about I write about legalizing marijuana for recreational use?”