Page 10 of Jocks

“I've learned massage.”Willow threaded her fingers through my hand, stroking her thumb over my fingertips.

“You have, huh?”I caught her chin in a firm but gentle grip, lifting her gaze back to meet mine.

“I opted for a chiro course as an elective.It included a quick prac session.Thought it might be useful.”

“Useful it is.Come home with me,” I murmured again, dipping my head to meet her lips, but not quite touching them, only a brush of skin-on-skin.“Please.”

Willow nodded, squeezing my fingers, and led me back to her car.The parking lot was almost deserted.I wondered how long we had stood kissing, giving the security guys a show, and how long I had been out.


I led Willow into the house I shared with the rest of the team.

Gage had cooked and shoved two bowls my way as soon as he spotted us.“Eat.”He directed me, slapping my back a little too hard.“You too, Sweets,” he said in a softer tone, pushing a bowl her way.

I kicked a stool out from beneath the breakfast bar for her, though I remained standing.If I sat at this point, it was game over for the night.Which screwed with my plans because I needed Willow to fall asleep on my chest, get some of that intimate action to settle the ache that grew in my chest.

I still hadn’t figured out why Littleton did what they thought they had to do, and that pissed me off in a bad fucking way.

Gage prodded a bowl at me.I fixed him with a hard stare, but said nothing.

“Thank you,” Willow murmured.Her spoon paused halfway to her mouth.“What’s that?”

I turned around.Pinned neatly to the far wall was the head of the Littleton mascot.Someone had un-picked the thing to spread it out like a hideous trophy.I snorted.Coach didn;’t have to bail anyone out after all.“Nice job.”

“Yeah, we thought so.”

“Is that who hurt you?The other team?”Willow stage whispered across to me.

I nodded, the smile slipping from my face.“Yeah.Assholes.”

“Who did it?”

Gage raised a tentative hand and she high fived it.

I laughed, sliding my arm around her waist to pull her into me.She snuggled into my side.I ate my food one handed, showing the empty bowl to my keeper.Gage rolled his eyes at my theatrics.

“You all done?Want a wine or a beer?”I asked into Willow’s hair.

“I’m good,” she said quietly, looking up at me.

I kissed her lightly, and towed her back to my room.Clicking the door closed behind her, I started to strip off.A small whimper stopped me.

When I raised my gaze to her, Willow stared at me with wide eyes, her palms pressed to the air at her back.I frowned for a second, then took a step forward.She took a step back.I took another step forward.Repeat.

We kept at it, her letting me stalk her until her ass hit the door.I caged her in with my arms braced on either side of her head, dipping down to steal a soft kiss.

She sighed, her hands dropping to my chest.Her touch tentative, she began to explore.

I sucked in a deep breath and caught her wrists in one hand, raising them over her head.“I made you a promise, Princess.No sex tonight.But that means you can’t torture me, either.”

Then I kissed her the way I’d imagined back in the locker room.Hard, rough, and claiming.Willow whimpered, tugging at my hold until I slowed my kisses, deepened them.She tilted her head back, arching up to me, those little whimpers evolving into deeper moans of need and want.Her fingers closed around my hands, gripping tight as I pressed her to the wall with my body.

“Do you always hold to your promises?”she gasped when I drew back.

I gave her a slow, languid once over, drawing her arms around my neck.“Always.”Hoisting her into my arms, I crossed to my bed, and dropped her onto it.“I have to clean up, Princess.Then, I’m going to sleep.With you.Sleep naked, in your clothes or get something of mine from the cupboard.Be comfortable.”I kissed her again.Damn, I couldn’t get enough of her.I wanted to wake up with the scent of her all over me, and through my sheets.I leaned a little closer, brushing my lips over her ear, licking the sensitive spot just beneath where her neck sloped to meet her shoulder.She stifled a moan.“But I didn’t say anything about tomorrow.”

Her moan was louder this time.A long, slow shiver worked its way over her beneath my hand.Goosebumps erupt on her skin in a slow wave.Pushing back from her, I headed for a scalding hot shower, intent on washing this morning, the game away.Then Willow could curl up around me the way she had earlier.I stroked my cock a few times, wondering if she might be doing the same.The thought of her coming in my bed made me harder.I stopped with effort, and once the hot water had done its work, I switched it to blistering cold.