Page 51 of Into Temptation

“I think…I think I’m broken because I have a man who could make me happy, yet…I still want you. Ialwayswant you.” She closes her eyes and slumps against the chair.

She’s breathing. She’s just exhausted.

I’ll heed her wishes, and we’ll go back to Belfast. I’ll call an old doctor friend of Connor’s. He’s surely retired by now, but I’ll make clear this request isn’t optional.

“She’ll be all right,” Dr. Shannon says, packing up his supplies. “If anythin’ changes overnight, give me a call.”

“Thank you, Doctor. I’ll make sure ya get paid.”

He nods, coming to a stand. “I’m glad yer back, Puck. Yer father would be happy that yer fixin’ this place up.”

“I’m tryin’,” I confess, running a hand through my hair as I sit vigil by Babydoll’s bedside.

“I’ve left some medication for you too,” he says, gesturing to the tablets on the nightstand.

“I’m all right, but thank you.”

Dr. Shannon insisted he look over my injuries once he examined Babydoll. I had shrapnel embedded in almost every part of me, but it was an easy fix, and he stitched everything up. Besides, my injuries are the least of my worries.

Babydoll has a few broken ribs and a sprained ankle. She also sustained a nasty gash on the back of her head. Like me, she had shrapnel in every part of her, but the doctor could remove it without her needing to go to the hospital.

Dr. Shannon didn’t ask any questions, nor did he insist we go to the hospital, as he knows better. He’s seen enough during his time being on call to Connor.

Babydoll is sleeping soundly as the doctor gave her sedatives. She is a fucking warrior because not once did she cry out, or hint the real pain she was in.

“A’ll see myself out.” The door closes a few moments later.

I’ve not let go of Babydoll’s hand since Dr. Shannon said I was able to be with her. I wish I had the chance to fit my bedroom with a proper bed, but since I got out of prison, life has been a fucking shitshow.

The soft sighs slipping from her parted lips as she hugs my pillow reveal she doesn’t seem to mind, however.

I won’t leave her until she wakes, but I need to make some calls. So, I quietly reach for my phone and see I have a text message from Brody. It’s a link to a news report.

Reading it over, I snicker as the peelers are saying gangs are responsible for the bombing. This has me wondering if Sean has them working for him too as this was an inside job.

I’ll bet my life that Sean was the one who planted that bomb. The unexpected delivery was the perfect ruse as it didn’t raise any suspicions until it was too late. The Doyles welcomed Sean into their pub, underestimating him and his need for power and control.

Babydoll was lucky to be outside when the bomb went off, as there is no way she’d be alive if she were inside.

My phone rings and I quickly answer it, not wanting to wake Babydoll.

“Bout ye,” I say to Cian.

“Have ya seen the news?” he says on a rushed breath. “The Doyles’ pub was bombed. The peelers are saying it’s some gang.” The doubt in Cian’s voice reveals he too knows the truth.

“Aye, I was there. I’m all right,” I add as I know he’s about to panic. “So was Cami, and Brody. It wasn’t some gang. This is Sean’s doing. He wanted us to be in the same place, at the same time.”

“Fucking hell,” Cian curses. “I knew it. Is Cami all right?”

My pause is all the answer he needs. “Punky, have ya called Rory?”

“She asked me not to,” I reply, looking at a sleeping Babydoll. “Dr. Shannon has just been. He’s looked after her. Now, she just needs to rest.”

“She can rest at Rory’s flat,” he says. “I don’t want to be involved in this.”

“Then don’t,” I snap. “This isn’t yer business. Cami is a big girl. I’m not about to throw her out. She’s always welcome in my home. When she wakes, she can decide what she wants to do.”

Cian is quiet as I know he sees this as the bad idea that it is.