Page 48 of Into Temptation

Finding a space, I park the truck and slip the hood low over my brow. This place will be crawling with Doyle spies. I want to remain as incognito as I can.

Dublin has changed some since I was last here, but I suppose that’s what happens when ten years pass. It’s still bustling with people, which has always left me with the question—why would Brody bother with Belfast when he has Dublin?

My phone rings, and when I see it’s Ronan, I’m disappointed and relieved in the same breath. I don’t stop walking. “What’s the craic?”

“Punky,” he says. “I got the text.”

“What did it say then?” I ask, allowing my frustration to show as I don’t have time for these theatrics.

“Y’ll never believe it. The meetin’ is happenin’ at Kellys’ Aluminum.”

I stop dead in my tracks, certain I’ve misheard Ronan. “Catch yerself on!”

“I swear it,” Ronan cries, reading my disbelief over his claims. “Why would he do that, knowin’ yer back?”

It’s at this moment the churning in my guts has me almost dropping to my knees. Once again, Sean has outsmarted us all.

“Cami!” I cry, hanging up and running toward the pub.

So many emotions are running through me, emotions Connor warned me about. But I didn’t listen, and now, so many people’s lives are at stake.

My boots pound against the footpath, and when I see Brody out front, smoking a cigar, I clench my fists, ready to end his life once and for all. With the devil in my corner, he doesn’t see me coming, allowing me to connect with his jaw.

“Ya fucking bastard! Where is she?”

I don’t allow him to reply as I punch him again. The crack in his cheek sings to my depravity, and I won’t be satisfied until he is dead. “Answer me! Where is Cami?”

Brody spits out blood, having the nerve to smirk in response. “Sorry, lad, what was the question? I didn’t hear ya over the lamping in my gob.”

This is no time to be making jokes. “I’ll ask this once and once only. Where is Cami? Answer carefully ’cause yer life depends on it.”

Brody senses the seriousness to my question, and his smugness soon fades. “She’s inside, having a pint. But I don’t think she wants to talk to ye.”

“What did you say to her? If y’ve hurt her—”

“She’s fine. Don’t believe me, go look for yerself. Why?”

“Ack, quit the bullshit. I know you and Sean are up to somethin’. That’s why ya asked her here. That’s why Sean has the bollocks to call a meeting at Connor’s factory. He doesn’t want me there and knew I would come here to save her. What have ya done with her?”

However, the more I divulge, the more evident it becomes that Brody has no idea what I’m talking about.

“Brody!” a man calls out from down the street.

We both turn and see a deliveryman pushing a trolley filled with kegs.

Brody is so distracted by what I just revealed, he waves the man into the pub without saying hello. He smiles as he passes us, and when we lock eyes, I get the feeling something is very wrong.

“I have no idea what yer yakking on about,” he says, wiping his bloodied lip with the back of his hand. “If what ya say is true, then why the fuck are ya here? Ye should be back in Belfast, getting rid of our problem.”

His comment only cements the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

If Brody is telling the truth, then it’s safe to assume Sean is having a meeting at Kellys’ Aluminum because he wants me to know that Ichoseto be somewhere. He wants me here in Dublin so he can shite all over me and prove he’s still in control.

I could have confronted him, but instead, I came here to save Babydoll.

So, the question is, why does he want us all together?

“Why did ya order another delivery?” Erin says as she pokes her head out the door. She does a double take when she sees me. “Away with yerself!”