Page 127 of Into Temptation

Pocketing my phone, I exhale deeply because it’s time.

“Yer awful confident, are ya not?”

Sean pulls his shoulders back. “We had a deal. Ya gave me yer word.”

Tsking him, I shake my head slowly. “Ya didn’t actually believe I would be yer errand boy, did you? I fucking hate ya, and I would rather kill us both than help ye destroy this country.”

And just like that…my plan B is revealed.

I always knew it would come to this. Sean’s greed has once again blindsided him and given him the illusion he’s on top. Even though he’s handed over Ethan and Eva, he knows every person I love is collateral—collateral he can easily use if he needs to.

He handed over Ethan and Eva as a sign of good faith, to show me that he wants to make peace, but I’m not fooled. I know that if I don’t do what he wants, there will be no second chances, and this time, he’ll go for Cami.

I can’t protect her all the time, which is why the only way to keep her safe is to kill Sean. But I know that’s easier said than done. This arsehole has fooled me my entire life. No matter how hard I try, he’s always two steps ahead.

But now, it’s just him and me, and it’s a fight to the death. I hope to win, but nothing is ever certain in this war.

“We have a problem then, son,” he says, realizing I’m serious. “I thought ye were a man of honor, but it seems yer more like Connor than I thought. So it’s come to this? We’re going to fight?”

“Aye, Father, it’s always come down to this.”

“The men respect ye and yer goin’ to throw it all away, and for what? The men don’t know what a wee pussy y’are.”

Sean’s eyes dart from left to right as I have no doubt Cian and Ron frisked him of his weapons. He’s powerless, and to a narcissist, that’s a fate far worse than death.

“Throw me to the wolves, and I come back leadin’ the pack. And that’s why ya need me. Yer nothin’ without me.”

Sean’s jaw clenches because the truth fucking hurts. “Let’s finish this then. Like men. But I ask ya this…do ya have the bollocks to kill yer da?”

He waits for my reply, hoping his wee speech influences me. It doesn’t.

“Aye, I do.” Before he can dodge my attack, I strike out and punch him in the face.

He staggers backward, regaining his footing, but I don’t give him time to attack. I launch for him, delivering a quick succession of punches to his face and body that he can’t sidestep.

The pained grunts leaving him feed my depravity, and years of anger explode from me. All I can focus on is expelling this anger and forcing it down the throat of the man who is the cause of it. He showed my mum no mercy, and now I plan on doing the same to him.

His lame attempts to fight me off are laughable, and when he gets in a lucky shot, I jump back, laughing. “Is that the best ye got, aul’ lad?”

With a roar, he charges for me, but he isn’t fast enough, and I knock him to the ground.

Pinning him to the floor, I commence punching his face over and over again. My fists ache, but the pain reminds me of the anguish my mum suffered at the hands of this monster.

“She didn’t deserve to die that way!” I scream, gripping his hair and slamming his skull against the concrete.

His eyes roll to the back of his head.

“Ye humiliated her. Ye allowed men to rape her. Yer nothin’ but a fucking coward! Ye hide behind others because yer scared. Yer a leech, latchin’ onto others’ hard work. Ya want the glory but aren’t prepared to work for it.

“Ye make me sick.” I spit on him.

Reaching into my back pocket for my knife, I inhale sharply because the time has finally come. The men who hurt my ma are no more. She can rest now. And so can I.

Just as I press the blade to his throat, something which I didn’t expect happens—Sean laughs.

It’s more of a wheeze as I’m certain I’ve punctured a lung, but the sound is one of victory, and I need to know why.

“I’m about to slit yer throat and yer laughin’? What’s so funny?”