Page 56 of Forever My Saint

Deciding to find the bathroom, I shoulder my backpack, give the cow a pat on her nose, and make my way outside. The moment I step out, a ferocious gust of wind almost knocks me over. Folding my arms around myself, I make a run for the house.

Unsure if I’m welcome inside, I knock on the door and bounce from foot to foot to keep warm. I really need to invest in some thicker clothes. Pavel opens the door, pursing his lips in confusion.

“Can I come in?” I ask, clarifying why I’m standing outside, freezing my ass off.

He opens the door wider, permitting me entry, and when I smell the freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, I lick my lips hungrily.

Once inside, the crackling open fire is like a beacon to my frozen appendages, and I make a beeline for it, warming my hands in front of it. Taking a moment, I peer around at my surroundings and see that the living area is quite homey.

The interior is wooden with some brickwork to help keep out the cold. The furnishings are rustic and well-loved but complement the cabin nicely.

“Can I use the bathroom?” I ask Pavel, my teeth still chattering.

“Of course. You don’t have to stay in the barn,” he says with a sigh. “There is enough room in here.”

“I don’t mind.”

He thankfully doesn’t persist. “Once you’re done, we’re going to sit down and talk about what happens next.”

I nod, but Pavel can tell something is on my mind.

“I know you’re wondering how could I help him.” Pavel doesn’t engage in small talk, which is another thing I like about him. “Firstly, the money is a big factor. Alek says it’ll be different this time, and I believe him because he is running short of allies. He needs me because I am the one with the power.”

That makes sense. Alek has no one on his side and needs Pavel’s contacts to regain control.

“Secondly, I don’t know any other life, Willow,” he confesses with a hint of sadness. “I wouldn’t know what to do with my freedom. Alek promises he will look after my family, and that’s all that matters to me. I know you may not be able to understand my reasons, but Alek is the lesser of two evils.”

Although I understand, it doesn’t make me feel any better. Once Alek regains his throne, it’ll be like nothing happened, and all of this will have been for nothing. We’ve come full circle, but we haven’t progressed or grown. We’re merely making the same mistakes twice.

I decide to leave this discussion for later. “Okay. I won’t be long.”

He exhales in defeat, but points at the second doorway down the corridor. “Bathroom’s that way. My mom found some warmer clothes for you girls to wear, but I don’t know if they’ll fit.”

But I wave him off, thankful she went to the effort. “What’s your mom’s name?”

“Larisa,” he replies with a small smile, showing his affection toward her.

Relieved to be warmer, I make my way down the short hallway. I knock softly on the bathroom door, and when the coast is clear, I open it. The toilet has my full bladder rejoicing, and I waddle over to it.

Once I’m done, I see a pile of clothes in the corner of the room. The puffy army green jacket with fur around the hood is calling my name. I also see some thick pants and snow boots. I don’t want to hog everything, so I will only grab the essentials.

Stripping down, I wait for the warm water to fire up, eager to thaw out the remaining chill to my bones. The moment I step under the spray, a moan escapes me because the hot water feels amazing. I hope it’s okay to help myself to the toiletries, and I shampoo and condition my hair. I use the shower gel next.

Once I’m clean, I turn off the water as I don’t want to waste it in case others still need to shower. I dry off and wrap the towel around me. Hunting through the clothes, I grab a pair of thick wool trousers, a long-sleeved sweater, and the jacket.

I have a clean pair of underwear in my bag which I slip into after I’ve applied deodorant and then dress in the warmer clothes. They’re a little big, but they’ll do. The black boots are lined with white faux fur and fit perfectly. I run my fingers through my hair which has grown in length. The scruffy style is edgy, giving me a hard look. I like it as it matches how I feel.

Once I brush my teeth, I clean up after myself and gather the wet towel and jacket. I don’t know where anyone else is, but I hope Larisa won’t mind if I grab a cup of coffee. As I step out into the hallway, I notice three doors, which I’m assuming lead into bedrooms.

We have a full house with nine of us in total, so it goes without saying, there will be a lot of sharing happening. I’m suddenly thankful to be sleeping in the barn.

I find the kitchen and see Larisa inside. She is standing over a stove, cooking eggs. When she hears me enter, she turns over her shoulder and nods. There is no bullshit about this woman, and I remember Zoey once said there was nothing grandmotherly about her. I now can see why.

I hold up the wet towel, wondering if she speaks English. “Thank you for letting me use your bathroom. And for the clothes. Where should I put this?”

She gestures with her head toward a door behind her which I’m assuming leads outside.

I walk past, ensuring not to disturb her because I won’t lie, Larisa scares me. I open the door and see a small, undercover laundry area. I toss the towel into the hamper and quickly close the door, not wanting to let the cold in.