Page 34 of Fallen Saint

“Saint?” Alek says, hinting they’re waiting, but he doesn’t move. Saint continues to stare at me, undressing me with those hypnotic green eyes. The explosive moment between us causes everything inside me to combust into a million tiny pieces.

He clears his throat and walks toward me slowly. I don’t move a muscle because the closer he gets, the faster my heart beats. My memory has done a poor job remembering him because when he stops in front of me, it’s like I’m seeing him for the first time.

And when he speaks, everything collides into me, and I inhale, needing the oxygen to feed my deprived lungs. “Kneel, a????. By my side.”

Without question, I do what he asks.

It’s sensory overload as my body needs this—I need to be close to him, to obey him. I know how sick that sounds, but I can’t help it.

Oscar squeals and claps excitedly, but he can go to hell because when Saint reaches down and runs his fingers through my hair, everything else fades into the background. I’ve craved his touch. I’ve craved him. I can’t help the mewl that escapes me as I lean into his caresses.

We are facing both Alek and Oscar, and I know how this looks—like the good submissive, kneeling by her master’s feet—but truth be told, being here is the safest I’ve felt in days. Saint continues stroking my hair, and even though the parallels can be seen between this and how Alek strokes Zoey when she kneels at his feet, this is different.

Alek owns Zoey, and his touch is one of control, ownership. But the way Saint touches me—his caresses are filled with nothing but…love. And that fact has tears filling my eyes.

“I want her to meet my Dominic and Ingrid,” Oscar says, ruining the moment. I don’t know why, but something shifts between Alek and Oscar.

It feels as if Oscar is challenging Alek in some sense. Why?

Alek is soon to settle the mood. “Yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea. I was going to host a party in her honor. A masquerade ball maybe? When the time is right, I will unveil my????????????. The suspense is the best kind of foreplay.”

Oscar almost falls off his seat. “What? It can’t be.”

Alek’s victorious grin is all the answer Oscar needs. My virginity is clearly something to celebrate.

“You lucky bastard. She is ripe for the picking.” Oscar runs his tongue over his thick bottom lip, watching Saint and me.

I huddle closer to Saint who places his hand at the back of my neck. His thumb circles over my racing pulse. His touch calms me until Oscar speaks.

“I would give anything to see you break her in.” The protruding at the front of Oscar’s pants reveals just how much so. “Actually, I think a few of us would. How much?”

Alek blinks once as it seems Oscar has caught him off guard.

“What’s the matter? Friends share, do they not?” This is personal for Oscar. What did Alek do?

There doesn’t seem to be an option for Alek, which has me thinking he owes Oscar for something. “I think we can come to an agreement where everyone wins.”

Saint’s body hums with violence while I attempt to decipher what the hell is going on.

“Excellent. I will await your conditions then. This will be quite the show. I haven’t seen a ??????????? ?????? in so very long.”

I have no idea what he just said, but I know it can’t be good.

Pleasured moans cut through the room, alerting us to the tangled bodies on the sofa. I can only imagine what this does to Saint to see Zoey spread open as a stranger feasts on her. She is barely conscious, but he doesn’t mind.

Oscar unbuckles his belt as his insatiable eyes watch this orgy unfold. I clutch my cross, needing an anchor to some form of purity. Alek walks over to the sofa, unbuttoning his shirt as it seems he’s not interested in being a voyeur tonight.

Is this what my future holds?

My immediate future, however, is saved. “Alek, I’m takinga???? to her room.”Alek barely hears Saint and dismisses him with a quick flick of his hand.

When his broad back comes into view, Saint yanks me up. I exhale, but it’s in vain. “I can’t wait to see if you blush all over.”

When I see Oscar working his thick cock in his hand, I reveal that I do because my cheeks burst into flames. However, my embarrassment shifts because what I see next leaves me confused, but most of all, it has me wanting to rip out Oscar’s eyes.

Instead of gaping at the lewd scene just feet away, Oscar has directed his attention on Saint and is using him as jerk-off material. Focusing on him, Oscar pumps his dick and groans when he eats Saint up from head to toe.

I am speechless. This is too much.