Page 19 of Fallen Saint

“Why do we have such a small window? You said we have five minutes?”

“Because when we reach a certain point, the waterways will split. I’ve studied the nautical charts countless times. The current will take us in a direct route to Russia, bypassing any ports to stop. Aleksei has done it this way so we avoid passing any people along the way. This is our only opportunity.”

I was nervous before I knew what he had planned. But now, I am petrified because there is no room for error.

“We don’t want this plan to kick off too early or too late. Timing is everything. It’s the difference between life and death.”

Saint isn’t being melodramatic.

And neither am I when I ask, “What about Zoey?”

“She’ll be out cold. She won’t have a choice this time when I throw her ass into that raft.”

“And what happens then?”

The question is inevitable. Zoey and I have no love lost between us, and honestly, I can’t see us ever getting along. But Saint has never promised me anything other than my freedom. He’s never painted a picture where I live happily ever after with him.

This was always about saving Zoey. But things have changed. Well, they have for me.

“Let’s just focus on getting out of here alive.”

He’s right.

“So please”—he lowers his lips to my forehead—“for once, do what you’re told, ?????.”

His touch calms my racing heart. “Okay. I promise.”

He kisses my brow before straightening. “Go shower. I’ll bring in a change of clothes. Is there anything in particular you wanted to wear?”

“A suit of armor? A chastity belt?” I offer, only half joking.

Saint smirks, but it’s laced with exhaustion. Once he’s out the door, I strip out of my clothes and step into the shower. I wash on autopilot, going over the plan in my head. This is insane.If, and that’s a big if, we pull this off, what happens when we get to Romania?

Do we go our separate ways? I have no identification. No money. What would I do?

I don’t know for certain, but I assume killing Aleksei will upset a lot of people who will then be out for revenge. We’ll be fugitives so going back and living a normal life doesn’t seem probable. What a mess.

One thing is for certain. I intend on getting my own vengeance against my beloved husband. He is the reason this entire nightmare began, so it seems fitting to end it with him.

Such dire thoughts have me quickly switching off the water.

When I’ve dried off, I see that Saint has left me a change of clothes on the edge of the sink. It’s a pretty white sundress with a red bow at the waist. It seems Aleksei has an obsession with red. Probably because it reminds him of blood.

After applying deodorant and body lotion, I slip into the underwear and bra set and am thankful when the dress Saint chose covers a lot more skin. I know it’s a false sense of security, however, because god knows what I’ll be walking into when I exit this bathroom.

I leave my hair down and apply a little makeup. I’m not here to impress anyone.

Once I look presentable, I stare at my reflection in the mirror and assure myself that this will all be over by tonight. I hope.

Knowing I can’t hide in here forever, I open the door, only to pause in my tracks when I see Aleksei in the bedroom. I thought I had a little time to prepare myself, but here he stands, smiling at me like we’re friends.

“You’re a vision.”

Saint stands behind him, eyes heavy with venom. But he remains quiet.

“Thank you,” I whisper, walking into the room and standing in front of Aleksei awkwardly.

When he inhales, then takes a step forward, it takes all my willpower not to recoil. He reaches out and brushes my hair behind my shoulder, taking in my appearance closely. I feel like a bug under a microscope, but I keep my gaze trained on Saint.