His disappointment tilts, and he smiles. “Sounds like a plan. Let me shower and get ready then.”

He unbuttons his jeans, which is my cue to leave because if he gets naked, we won’t be going anywhere. He reaches for my wrist. “You could always wash my back.”

I can’t help but laugh at his creativity. “Maybe later. I’ll make coffee.” He sighs playfully but rewards me with a heart-stopping grin. I leave him to get clean while my dirty thoughts follow me into the kitchen.

As I’m watching the coffee percolate, I get the sense I’m not alone. Being in step with Sam like this was once cute, but now it’s just confusing. “Hey, I’m making coffee.” Turning over my shoulder, I see he’s covered in hay. I pale, remembering I too was covered in hay…and nothing else last night.

“I was just feeding the horses,” he clarifies when I continue staring at him like he’s grown a second head.

“Awesome.” Suddenly feeling nervous, I reach for three mugs in the overhead cabinet.

“So Saxon came?” I fumble with the bone china, it almost slipping from my fingers.

“Yeah, he did.” The ball is in his court because I have no idea what to say. I don’t know if he wants me to be involved in his attempts to make amends because I can only imagine some of the stuff they discuss will be private.

“I guess I have you to thank.”

Once I pull it together, I meet his curious gaze. “Actually, no. I passed on your message, but Saxon coming here was on his own accord.”

Sam’s doesn’t hide his surprise. “Wow.” He interlaces his hands atop his head in thought. I don’t blame him. This is big.

Giving him time to process everything, I open the fridge to retrieve the milk. I pour our coffees in silence. “So what are you up to today?” Sam asks.

“We were going to drop past my parents’. Leave a few boxes in the spare room.”

“Oh, cool. That’s a good idea. This place is starting to look a little derelict.” I’m thankful he’s making jokes.

Dumping two sugars into his coffee, I stir it, then pass it to him. “On that note, I thought I’d drop by Hayley’s office too. She’s not returning my emails.”

He pauses from sipping his cup of joe. “She’s not returning your emails because she’s on vacation and won’t be back for a while yet.”

“I know, but I figure I can speak to one of her colleagues. Let them know we’re eager and ready to sell.”

When he peers down at his boots, I realize how insensitive that was. Sam may be coming around to the idea, but that doesn’t mean I have a right to rub his face in it.

“Sorry, that was really harsh.”

He waves me off. “No, no, you’re right.” Swallowing, he lifts his gaze. “It’s still a little hard to stomach, that’s all. I’ll miss it here, you know?” I do know, but the sooner we get it done, the easier it’ll be. “This place was our dream home. It’s hard to think I will find another like it.”

“Home is where the heart is, Sam.” I’m starting to realize this.

He sighs heavily. “What happens when pieces of your heart are imbedded in the walls?” His question catches me off guard because I know what he means.

This house has been such a big part of our lives, so it’s difficult not to feel a sense of loss by letting it go. I’ve made my peace with it, and eventually, Sam will too. We sip our coffees in silence, the weirdness joining us once again.

“Coffee smells good.” Saxon strolls into the kitchen, his wet hair combed back casually. However, when he sees Sam, all informality disappears. This is not a good start, but I sit on the sidelines because this isn’t my fight.

Sam looks as uncomfortable as Saxon, but he thankfully puts an end to this awkward silence. “Hey, Sax.”

Saxon’s shoulders rise and fall. He’s probably made peace with the fact that Sam and he would never make amends, but then I came along and ruined his plans.

I can’t help but feel guilty.

“Hey,” he finally replies. He makes a beeline for the coffee but not before he kisses my forehead. In the past, I would have shied away but not now.

Sam sips his coffee before swallowing. “So… I know you had a few things planned today, but I was wondering…” I wait with bated breath because he’s directing his comment to Saxon.

Saxon waits for him to continue.