“Because she’s done nothing wrong. You’re upset and angry; we get that, but stop being such a jerk.”

Sam shakes his head, aggravated. He doesn’t hide his annoyance and jealousy that Saxon is taking my side. “Get out.”

Sam’s harsh words bring home the gravity of this situation. “What?”

“Sam…” Saxon’s constant need to defend me seems to infuriate Samuel further.

“You heard me. Get out! And take your memories with you.” Please, somebody, pinch me and wake me from this nightmare.

But when he begins tearing up the photographs, I know this nightmare is real. “No!” I dive for him, attempting to stop him. “Stop!” But my efforts are futile.

In seconds, my memories are torn and scattered to the floor. My happy memories are now replaced with bitterness and hate.

Hot tears cloud my vision as I slump to the ground, frantically gathering up the torn pieces of my past. Saxon drops besides me, helping me pick up the remains.

“Let me help you, Lucy.” He places his hand over mine.

“No, I’m okay.” I sniff, my lower lip quivering as I hold back my tears.


“You heard her, leave her alone.” Sam’s unsympathetic words are my undoing.

“You may have amnesia, but you’re still an asshole!” Saxon yells, attempting to console me as he offers me a handful of my past.

“Well, fuck you, too.” I know he’s lashing out because he’s frustrated, but his lack of feeling hurts.

I can’t be in here a second longer. My sneakers skid on the flooring as I run out the door, ignoring Saxon’s calls that I stop. But I can’t. I need to get out of here before I choke.

Sadly, my plans to flee are ruined as I crash into someone. We both topple over, papers floating around us as they glide to the floor.

“I’m s-sorry,” I cry, madly trying to pick up the paperwork. My fumbling fingers are like sticks of butter.

“Are you all right?” a kind, soothing voice asks.

“No,” I reply honestly, giving up on helping the stranger. “I’m not. My life is a mess.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that.”

By some miracle, I’m able to see through my tears and read the nametag of my kind stranger as Dr. Yates.

“You’re Samuel’s doctor?” I exclaim, wiping my eyes.“Samuel Stone,” I clarify when she appears confused.

“Oh, yes, I am. I was actually on my way to see him now.”

Pulling it together, I help her gather the scattered sheets of paper. “I’m Lucy. Lucy Tucker. I’m Sam’s fiancée,” I reveal, handing her a pile of paperwork.

Her face softens. “It’s so nice to meet you, Lucy. Were you just coming out of Samuel’s room?”

I nod, chewing my cheek to stop another onslaught of tears.

“I take it things didn’t go well?”

I nod again.

She peers down at her silver watch and smiles. “I have a few minutes before Samuel’s appointment. Would you like to grab a coffee?”

When I meet her warm blue eyes, I instantly like her. “I’d like that. Thank you.” We collect the rest of her things in silence before making our way to the adjacent coffee shop.