Once we’ve ordered our coffees, she leads us to a small garden table outside. I’m glad, as I need the fresh air. I cradle the paper cup, the warmth thawing out my internal storm.

“How are things going? I know it’s early days, but if anyone knows Samuel, it’s you.”

Her words are a heavy burden to my already plagued heart. “Iknow Samuel. It’s just too bad he doesn’t know me,” I reply unhappily.

She pushes her black framed glasses up the bridge of her small nose, emphasizing her big blue eyes. She’s absolutely stunning and looks to be no older than thirty. She also doesn’t look like a doctor. Her long black hair is tied back in an elegant knot, exposing the natural pink hue on the apple of her cheeks. Her porcelain skin is flawless. But beauty aside, I immediately feel a kinship with her because I know she’s the one who’ll bring my Sam back to me.

“I’ve read over his file briefly and it’s not uncommon for this to happen. Parts of Samuel’s brain were injured quite severely during the accident.”

Her comment has me thinking about the driver who was responsible for Sam’s injuries. I’ve been so caught up, I haven’t even thought about him and the consequences he’s faced with.

She goes on, “There are different types of amnesia, and my job is to determine just what form Samuel has so we can treat him accordingly.”

“What type do you think he has?”

“I don’t want to make any assumptions without a proper examination. There’s no point speculating and worrying you unnecessarily. He’s surrounded by the people who love him and sometimes, there is no greater medicine.”

Her words prompt a thought. “Samuel is an identical twin. Would his brother staying help him remember?”

She sips her coffee, leaving a bright red stain on the rim her cup. “There’s no denying twins share a special connection, especially when studies have proven that one twin feels what the other is feeling at the exact same time.”

I remember Saxon’s weird reaction seconds before we got the call. I still believe he’s the key.

She reaches across the table and strokes my hand. “We will get to the bottom of this, Lucy. I promise. I’ll be working closely with Sam, not only in here, but at home also. Once he’s discharged, he’ll be under my care. You have my word that I’ll try my absolute hardest to have Sam remembering again.”

“Thank you so much, Dr. Yates.” Her words are like a salve to my covert burns.

“Please call me Sophia.”

I try not to celebrate prematurely, not wanting to jinx my happiness as I know we’re a long way from things going back to the way they were. But Sophia’s optimism and caring nature has me feeling like the old me. I can only hope she does the same for Sam.

“Shall we go back in?” she suggests, finishing her coffee.

I nod, even though I haven’t taken a sip of mine.

We walk back to Samuel’s room, both silent, but the silence isn’t stale. A thousand thoughts are rolling around my head, but the forerunner is the fact I feel composed for the first time in days. To get through this, I have to accept that Sam’s road to recovery is a long one. Although we haven’t officially declared in sickness and in health, I take my vows very seriously and don’t plan on giving up on him any time soon.

When we round the corner, I see Saxon braced against the wall, looking worse for wear as he scrolls through his phone. I’ve been awfully hard on him and I’ve also been unfair. It’s his choice whether he wishes to stay or not. I’ve voiced my opinion on more than one occasion, so the rest is up to him.

He raises his head, his intense gaze falling on both Sophia and I. Now that I’m not looking at him through a veil of crazy, I can see his pain. Regardless of their strained relationship, I know Saxon cares for Samuel. I know that he cares for me. He’s come to my aid on more than one occasion, and all I’ve done is yell at him.

Sophia stops and smiles. “Hi, I’m Dr. Yates, Samuel’s doctor.”

Saxon pushes off the wall and shakes her hand. “Hi, I’m Saxon, Sam’s brother.”

I notice they shake for a little longer than needed, not that I can blame Sophia as Saxon is ridiculously handsome. I can’t say that he isn’t, considering he’s the spitting image of my fiancé.

“Lucy,” she says, turning to face me. I notice her crimson cheeks appear pinker. “I’m going to talk to Samuel. Would you mind waiting out here for just a few moments?”

“Of course. Take all the time you need.” Saxon doesn’t hide his surprise at my newfound composure. She nods before entering Sam’s room.

Saxon and I stand quietly, him peering at me, no doubt waiting for me to breakdown, or claw at the walls, screaming about the injustices of the world. I do neither.

“I’m sorry for being a complete bitch to you.”

He fumbles over his words. “You…what…huh?”

I can’t help but smile. “I haven’t been fair to you. It’s your choice whether you go or stay. I can’t force you. And that’s what I’ve been doing. You’ve got your own life to live in Oregon and honestly, my eyes have been opened these past few days.” When he cocks an eyebrow, I elaborate. “I don’t know what happened between you and Sam, or between your mom and dad, but I’ve seen the way your mom speaks to you. If I were you, I wouldn’t want to stay either. Sam is being a total asshole, so really, there’s no incentive for you to stay. There’s noreasonfor you to stay.”