“We shouldn’t do this again,” she whispered.
“Okay.” Carefully, and without dropping her on her ass, he opened the slider and stepped into the kitchen. “For the record, I want it noted that you’re the one who wants to stop.”
“Didn’t say that I did. Just mentioned it wasn’t the smartest thing we’ve ever done because—put me down for a second.”
Well, that really killed the mood. But he had to admit; it was for the best. Using sex right now to pass the time and avoid certain fears and emotions wasn’t the right thing. He set her on her feet.
She tucked her hair behind her ears. “I have to be honest.”
“I’m listening.”
“I loved being with you last night.”
“I’m not complaining.” He leaned against the counter, wishing it wasn’t too early for a cocktail. Not only that, but he was technically working, and he preferred to keep a clear head about him while on the job. “I want you to know that I wasn’t using you, if that’s where this conversation is going.”
“I didn’t—don’t—feel used, but maybe you should.”
He laughed. “I don’t. You’re hurting. You’re scared. We have a history.”
“We didn’t five years ago.”
She had a point, but he chose to ignore that statement. For now. “Perhaps. But let’s not overanalyze last night.”
“All right.” She climbed up onto the stool and let out a sigh. “Although—and don’t let this go to your head—you’re a really great kisser.”
He brushed his fingers across her shoulder and smiled. “Too late. You just inflated my ego. And if you pop it, I might have to go swim with the alligators.”
She flashed her pearly whites and laughed.
It was music to his ears. He’d always loved the way she laughed. It tickled his senses like the soft breeze coming in from the river. For the three weeks he’d known her five years ago, she’d had a heavy heart.
Today was no different.
He wanted to change that for her any way he could.
Even if that meant he let her use his body to soothe her soul. He didn’t care what it did to him, as long as she got some peace.
“I’m here for you. One hundred percent. Whatever you need—and I mean that.” He slipped up onto the stool next to hers and took her hand. “I still care about you.” There was a strong part of him that wanted to fight all the feelings currently taking over his mind and heart. He’d done it five years ago; he could do it again.
It would be hard, but he was a strong man, both physically and emotionally. He’d battle through if he had to.
But he was tired of doing it. He worked through his broken heart with Krista and found Shelby, only to have to protect it from being crushed once again.
But did he really have to do that?
Or had he wasted the last five years of his life?
“I care about you, too,” she said softly.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“You just did,” she said.
He chuckled. He’d missed her sarcasm and quick wit. “What do you think might have happened if I had called you five years ago? Where do you think it would have gone?”
“Didn’t we kind of go over this?”
“No. We danced around it in a very polite fashion. Now that I know we’re both still insanely attracted to each other I want to know the deeper answer.” He hoped he didn’t come off as a desperate man. He could survive if she opted to keep things on the surface. His life would go on if she brushed all of this under the rug.