Page 22 of Mine to Protect

“Is it worth money?”

She couldn’t say yes to that because if she found it and it looked cheap, Rhett would start asking a million questions. “It’s always been a bone of contention between us. My mom promised it to Chris when he found the right girl, but he hasn’t said that about Jackie. Yet. And I kept it because I couldn’t trust him not to sell it for drugs when he was using.”

“And you believe he was sneaking around your house for that necklace and your mom’s wedding rings?”

Interesting that Rhett chose to toss in the rings when she had only mentioned that Chris had tried to steal them five years ago. “I don’t keep them in the same place. The rings are in my safe, which is in my closet. I wear the necklace sometimes and keep it on my dresser in my bedroom. I don’t know why or if he took the necklace for sure, but I just want to know if he did.”

“You wearing it sometimes…isn’t that kind of a slap in the face to your brother, if it’s meant for his bride?”

She narrowed her eyes. Rhett’s comment shouldn’t sting since the entire story about the key and necklace was total bullshit. But the words hurt, nonetheless. “Until he marries. It’s mine.”

“I get it. I’ve got brothers. It might be a different dynamic than a sister, but we have our issues.” Rhett nodded. “We didn’t see anything that fit that description, but let’s go take a look.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.” Her pulse pounded in her throat. She suspected that her heart rate was probably in the red zone. Once she went through her brother’s shit, she’d find a reason to hit the road.

“No problem.” Rhett reached across the counter and took her hand. “One more thing. Would you mind it if I looked at the text messages between you and your brother?”

“Why?” She remembered deleting the call last night, which meant that Rhett wouldn’t be able to tell she’d spoken to anyone. But that didn’t make her feel any better. Not that she had intense deep conversations with her brother, but they were private and personal and none of Rhett’s business.

Then again, her brother was in trouble.

“A different set of eyes might give us a different perspective on his frame of mind the last few weeks before his disappearance. I might pick up on something that you didn’t because you’re too close.”

She had to admit, that made sense. But she wanted to say no. She was too scared that her brother might call or text while Rhett had her phone. “Those messages are between brother and sister. I’d feel like I was breaking a confidence.”

“I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. Why don’t you think about it while you go through his things?” He waved his hand. “Follow me. Everything is in my office.”

She palmed her mug, hoping her hands didn’t shake as she strolled down the hallway.

“I have to make some calls. Let me know if you find anything of interest.” He pulled open a door.

She stepped into a small room with a desk strategically placed to face a sliding glass door that overlooked the river. “Wow. This is amazing.” A colorful fish hung on the side wall. The back wall had a built-in bookshelf where he had pictures of him and his family, along with a couple of books.

Two suitcases and a couple of travel kits were on the floor.

Her missing brother’s belongings.

She gasped.

He curled his fingers around her forearm. “Take your time. I’ll be outside.” He gave her a quick kiss, but it lacked the punch she expected from a man she’d just had sex with.

“Thank you.” She dropped to the floor and ran her fingers over the top of the suitcase. She glanced over her shoulder as the door gently closed. “Chris. What have you gotten me involved in?”

* * *

Rhett joggeddown the steps from his deck to his dock. He glanced over his shoulder. He couldn’t see inside his office window, but he suspected that she was searching for the necklace that was currently in Emmerson’s hands. Rhett sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He needed to check his emotions.

Or toss them in the river.

It didn’t help that he’d slept with her, which he didn’t want to believe was a mistake.

He pulled his cell out of his back pocket and stared at it for a long time. He should call his mother, but he didn’t feel like dealing with her first thing in the morning. “Hey, Siri. Call Emmerson.” He climbed on his boat and sat in the bow, staring at the sun. He squinted since he hadn’t brought out his sunglasses. He probably had a pair in the console, but he didn’t feel like getting up off his lazy ass.

“What’s up?” Emmerson answered on the second ring.

“She’s lying,” Rhett blurted out, his chest tightening. There were so many things he understood about Shelby and her motivations. He might have done the same if he were in her shoes.

But he wasn’t.