Page 59 of Mine to Protect

“Cole said they know they’re alive. He doesn’t have the details on how, but he suspects someone in the police department turned or found out about the cover-up. What can you tell me about that?”

“It was pretty clean,” Rhett said. “They kept it tight. But I wish we could request the reports without throwing up a big red flag. I bet something in the documentation on the cold case isn’t proper and tipped off someone who works for the Gorgas. Either way, I get the impression that the mob knew long before a few months ago that Albert and Melissa are alive.”

“I agree,” his mother said. “They approached Cole two years ago. The Gorgas can be patient. That’s what makes them so dangerous. They’re not hot-headed. They aren’t street thugs who go tit for tat. They are methodical and all about the bottom line. But they will get their revenge, one way or the other.”

“I’m a little nervous sitting out here at the state park. It’s wide-open. Lots of access points that I can’t cover. And too many people. There are kids everywhere. We need to get this group to safety.”

“Cole cut a deal with the feds,” his mother said. “I told them I needed forty-eight hours, and they promised me they would keep this quiet. Keep Cole in my custody in my lockup while they worked out the nitty-gritty.”

“Was it a New Jersey agent?”

“Not yet,” his mother said. “A special agent out of Jacksonville. His name is Pete Maz. Before I agreed to anything, I checked in with our buddy in Miami. Maz is clean, and lucky for us, he likes to bend. I’m sure I can get him to agree to a sit-down, and I know he’ll go for witness protection. He knows they exist. He wants to nail Tony Gorga in the worst way. I guess he had issues with him years ago when he worked up in D.C., and it’s been a thorn in his side ever since.”

“Yo. Rhett.” Miles waved from down the street in front of Chris’s RV. “We’ve got company coming.”

“Ma, I gotta go.”

“Bring them to the station. Do it now. I’ll work out the details.”

“See you soon.” Rhett jogged toward his brother. “What’s going on?”

“One dark SUV just rolled through the gate. Annie said two men, and neither was dressed to go kayaking, biking, or hiking. She said they looked ridiculous in their Floridian clothes that screamedtourist. They also asked too many questions about the layout of the campsites. Something about checking it out for future reference.”

“Fuck,” Rhett muttered.

“Annie’s got a boat. We can take that down to your place and then get to the station from there,” Miles said. “The tide is going out. We’ve got a short window, maybe fifteen minutes before it’s too shallow to get the boat downriver.”

“You’d better get a move on, then.” Rhett raced to the RV and yanked open the door. “The bad guys are here. Miles is going to get you all to safety.”

“What are you going to do?” Chris asked.

“Follow the bad guys.”

* * *

Rhett watchedas Miles and the rest of the group disappeared around the corner. Only he didn’t see Chris.


Rhett turned on his heels and muttered a few more obscenities.

Chris stood by the front of the RV.

“Get the fuck out of here.”

“Nope. You need backup.” Chris lifted his weapon.

“Where the hell did you get that?”

“I’ve always had a thing for guns, but in the last two years, I’ve been going to the range with some of the people in my night school classes. I’m a good shot.” Chris had the audacity to smile.

“You’re a fucking idiot is what you are. Now, go catch up to my brother. I’ve got work to do.” He jumped into his Jeep. He needed to park in front of where his brother had been camping about five spots down. His cell buzzed.

He pulled it from his pocket and glanced at the apologetic text from Miles about agreeing with Chris that someone had to stay behind with Rhett, and it couldn’t be Miles because he needed to protect everyone else. Miles also mentioned something about Chris being a marksman, but Rhett didn’t believe it.

“Motherfucking-fuck-fuck. Get in my vehicle. Now. And if you don’t do what I say, I’ll shoot you.”

“You do that, and my sister won’t be happy with you.”