Page 87 of Mine to Keep


Bryn raced around her house like a giddy schoolgirl. Being in love was like being on cloud nine. It didn’t negate that she needed to come clean about who she really was, and while she was absolutely prepared to do that, and tonight, it didn’t change the fact that she’d finally met a man who was genuine and cared about her for who she was and not what he wanted her to be.

Her heart paused for a moment. There was still a chance that he’d hate her for lying, but something told her that he had a good idea she’d kept some big secrets from him, and that once he got over the initial shock, he’d be okay. The only real concern she had was for her sister and father. They could never be brought into this. They had to believe she was dead. That was the only way they would be safe.

And she would be able to live her current life.

She found herself in her bedroom, standing in front of the dresser, frozen, unable to finish packing her overnight bag.

She plopped down on her bed and clutched her pillow. This was the biggest mistake of her life. What the hell had made her think she could love Jamison and tell him the truth?

Shit. She would have to come up with some great lie or run.

She squeezed her eyes shut. Her life sucked, and it had been hell since the moment she’d met Timothy Perish.

A door slammed.

She jumped to her feet.

“Hello?” she called. “Who’s there?”

No answer.

Holding the pillow, she slowly made her way toward the front of the house.

“Hello, Brenda,” a familiar voice said. “Surprised to see me?”

She dropped the pillow. She stared at Mark Perish. Her heart dropped to her gut. Her veins went cold. She tried to swallow, but her muscles didn’t work properly.

“I heard you had a baby,” Mark said. “Where is my grandchild?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Thank goodness Jamison’s sister-in-law, Nancy, had stopped by with her two little girls to use the pool and had offered to look after Zadie.

“Where’s the baby?” Mark asked again, a little louder this time, showing his weapon. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

Phone. Where was her cell? Her purse in the kitchen, she hoped. “She’s not here.”

“You had a girl?”

Bryn backed up slowly, slightly surprised that Mark hadn’t known what she’d had. She could use that. “She’s at the ‘sitter’s.” Think. Think all this through. Bryn breathed slowly and methodically. She needed to be strong and brave. Not just for Zadie but also for herself.

“I want my grandchild,” Mark said.

“My babysitter can bring her home. Let me text her.”

Mark pointed his gun at her face. “No funny shit, or you’re dead. For real this time.”

She held up her hands. “Okay. My purse is in the kitchen.” Slowly, she turned and inched into the other room. She dug into her pocketbook and found her phone.

“Give it to me,” Mark said. “What’s your ‘sitter’s name.”

“Rebecca Kirby. Tell her that plans have changed and that I need her to bring Jamie here.” She didn’t want to use her daughter’s real name, but more importantly, she wanted something cryptic to send to Rebecca without giving away Jamison’s name, just in case.

He tapped away on her cell. “You might as well take a load off. But don’t get too comfortable. As soon as my granddaughter gets here, we’re taking off. And then you will meet your maker once and for all.”


His mother came barreling into the kitchen.