Page 38 of Mine to Keep

At least Suzie was nowhere to be found.

He shifted in the booth. The last thing he needed was to get into it with his ex-wife. He never knew who he would be getting: the woman who’d cheated on him and blamed him for it because he’d been going through an identity crisis, or the one who wanted him back, even though she was still in an on-again/off-again relationship with the man she’d had the affair with.

“I should have known I’d run into you here,” Cheryl said as she stood at the end of the booth. She folded her arms under her large, fake breasts. They barely moved. He’d been so angry when she’d gone and gotten them.

It wasn’t about the surgery. It was that she hadn’t told him, especially after they’d had numerous conversations about whether or not she should do it. Of course, he understood that it was her body to do with as she wanted, and he’d told her that he’d support her decision. She’d always been sensitive about the size of her breasts, and she’d been picked on as a little girl. Another thing he understood. He wanted his wife to feel good about herself, but he loved her the way she was, and he wanted her to feel how much he adored her. Still, she sought that approval from others, and instead of going through the process together, he’d had to find out about his wife’s boob job from the neighbor.

“I’m shocked that no one told me that my ex-husband is now dating someone who has a kid. Of course, your family is pretty good at keeping secrets. Though I just saw your mom this morning and she was talking about Nancy’s party and how you and I should go together. She said you were going to call me. What am I missing?”

“The fact that I don’t speak to my mom and that it was wishful thinking on her partandyours,” he said under his breath, wishing he could control his temper. Getting into a fight with his ex wasn’t a good way to impress—shit—he didn’t need to dazzle a friend.

“Are you going to introduce us?” Cheryl asked. “Or are you going to be rude as usual?”

“Bryn. This is my ex-wife, Cheryl.” Jamison stretched his arm over the back of the booth and wiggled his fingers, hoping that would get rid of the pent-up frustration. “What are you doing here? This was never your favorite place.”

“No. It was yours, and you’ve always been a creature of habit.” She tossed her long ponytail over her shoulder and laughed. “Getting you to go anywhere else was always a chore.”

“If you say so,” he said, shaking his head. “Did you need something?”

“Your mom said I should get the details for Nancy’s party from you and possibly hitch a ride since my car’s in the shop.”

“You’ll have to find another ride,” he said.

“Why?” Cheryl asked. “We’re both going.”

“Because I’m busy.” Jamison didn’t owe his ex-wife an explanation, and he wouldn’t give her one.

“Are you serious? It’s not like I live that far out of your way.”

“I’m going to be running late because I’m working a couple of extra jobs. I’m sorry. I just can’t.”

“Fine.” Cheryl leaned over, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind her ear, and cooed at Zadie, who was half-awake in her car seat next to Bryn. “She’s so stinking adorable.”

“Thank you,” Bryn said.

“You must the lady that delivered her child in the middle of the road last week,” Cheryl said.

“That’s me,” Bryn said.

“So, is this a thank you dinner, or a date? Because if you think it’s a date, I should warn you about him.”

“I’m not sure that’s any of your business.” Bryn smiled the wicked grin that made Jamison want to scoop her off her feet and kiss her like tomorrow might never come.

Cheryl jerked out her hip. “You don’t understand the situation you’re getting involved in.”

“I know more than you think I do,” Bryn said. “Regardless, it’s still none of your business.”

Jamison rested his hands on the table. He enjoyed this exchange a little too much.

“Now, if you don’t mind, we’re going to try to enjoy dessert before my daughter decides she’s had enough and starts screaming,” Bryn said.

“Wow. You’ve got yourself a spunky girlfriend.” Cheryl stood tall. “I can take a hint.”

“I doubt that,” Bryn said under her breath.

Cheryl cocked her head. “You’re a novelty. You’ll wear off. They always do.” She turned on her heels and stormed off toward a group of women standing around the bar. They all glanced in Jamison’s direction. He recognized two of them as they pointed and looked as if they’d eaten something that’d soured their stomachs.

“Sorry about that.” Jamison rolled his neck. The tension that’d built after being around Cheryl for only a few minutes had knotted into tight balls, creating the kind of pain that he used to carry around every day. No massage therapist would be able to work out the kinks. “She knows how to rile me up, and for some reason, she enjoys doing it whenever she gets the chance.”