Page 84 of Dark Prince

He shakes his head furiously, his mouth full of liquid. He swallows, then gives me an intense look. “That was all him,” he says adamantly. “I had nothing to do with any of…that.”

I laugh. “Not a fan, huh?”

He makes a face. “Amateur hour with the makeup and the shock factor, is all that was. Like Elvis and his hips. Some people just like to scare the fuck out of their grandparents. Which I’m all for, don’t get me wrong—without shock-factor young adults, your various cultures would stagnate. But if I’m going to possess anybody to make music, the music is going to be excellent. Ah, Salieri. We had good times.”

He toasts the sky and sips his drink.

“Isn’t that the one who was overshadowed by Mozart?” Not that I’m a huge music history buff or anything, but I do enjoy the occasional movie, and I remember one that had that plot.

“He didn’t have the right temperament for the kind of fame Mozart endured,” Lucifer says. “He was content, in the end.”

“That’s good, I’m glad. I’m surprised, though. I always assumed you would work in extremes.”

He flashes me a smile. “Haven’t you ever heard, Sophia? The devil is in the details.”

We laugh and talk for a while longer, until the sun burns red on the horizon and the shadows deepen around us. Then we return to the car, making our way carefully down the hill to paved road. His house isn’t too far from here, and I assume that’s where we’re going.

I’m beginning to forget what my apartment looks like, but I don’t mind. As long as I didn’t leave the stove on or something, it’ll be fine.

Back at his place, he lights a small fire and turns the stereo on. He comes to me, offering me his hand, and I take it. He pulls me in to him, and we dance, slow and easy, around the living room.

I look up into his eyes, tracking the amber flecks, memorizing their constellations.

“I know you had a lot to do today,” I whisper. “But I’m glad we got to—”

The rest of my words never come.

Before I can finish speaking, I’m cut off by a violent, loud crash. My muscles tense in surprise, and I barely have a chance to turn in time to see several hideous, winged creatures soar into Lucas’s living room through the broken windows.

My blood chills, a scream lodging in my throat as it goes tight with fear.



“Get behind me!”

I shove Sophia out of the way as the first of the demons come within striking range. I lash out as I shift, connecting with a grubby beast just as my claws spring into usable form. There are four others like it, their venomous mandibles glistening in the firelight.

Sophia screams, the sound hoarse and terrified. I cut down the beasts, then spin to cover her beneath my wings as flaming spears fly through the air. A few of them graze my skin, but none of them manage to make a direct hit. Fury fills me, and as another volley of spears come, I beat them aside and whirl to face my enemies.

This isn’t chaos. It’s not random.

This is a coordinated attack, performed by demons who have clearly rehearsed. The spear-throwers, far out of range, draw bows and arrows. Beyond them, I see the distinct gleam of gunmetal.

This isn’t a throw-down tussle. This is war.

Sophia shrieks again. She’s brandishing one of the spears, the fire extinguished, and is desperately trying to keep some of the smaller demons at bay. I wrap my tail tight around her waist and drag her with me as I claw through their ranks. There are dozens of them, maybe hundreds. If I was alone, I could probably take them all down, but not without sustaining some damage. Sophia won’t last another minute. One hit from some of these assholes, and she’d be beyond saving.

Demonic screams ring through the air around us. Blood flows like water as I rip heads from bodies, tossing the pieces to either side, blocking the advancing hordes. The hits start to come faster, and I curse aloud. I can block them for now, but the numbers alone have me at a disadvantage.

“Almost there,” I grit out. “Stay with me.”

I finally reach the window and pull Sophia around in front of me, holding her tight to my chest as I launch into the air. Screeches from above and behind inform me that the demons who came to attack me anticipated that I might fly to safety, because they’ve brought a continent of flying beasts to try to stop me.

Harpies and others like them swoop down, attacking me in mid-air. I swipe at them with one arm, but can only fend them off while holding Sophia. With her in my arms, I can’t fight the way I normally would. I need backup.

“Reach into my pocket,” I shout to her over the wind. She does so, and grabs my phone. “Call Naamah. Tell her we need help.”