Page 75 of Dark Prince


How isit that every time this man surprises me with clothes, they not only fit perfectly, but they feel like magic?

After spending an incredible night in Lucifer’s bed, I found this dress hanging in his bathroom after my shower this morning. Rather than the soft pastels of the clothes he bought for me before, this is a deep, powerful crimson. It suits my mood perfectly.

It really shouldn’t surprise me anymore that he can make clothes appear on a whim. He’s a demon, for one thing. He probably has some way of poofing things into existence. Plus, he’s a freaking billionaire, which means he definitely has ways of poofing things into existence. Delightful, luxurious things.

Damn near everyone in the office saw me arrive with him this morning, and those who didn’t see it for themselves no doubt heard about it rather quickly. As soon as I step off the elevator on the floor below Lucifer’s, I subtly become the center of attention. And it’s notniceattention, either—instead, it’s mostly death glares and sneers.

Doing my best to pretend I don’t notice everyone staring at me, I make my way across the office floor. Naamah is waiting for me with a smile and a stack of files.

A friendly face. Thank fuck.

“Oops. Now you’ve done it,” she whispers as she hands the stack to me.

“I have indeed,” I reply, casting a subtle glance around the room. “I don’t see how they can get any work done when their eyes are on me.”

“Oh, they’ll find a way,” she chuckles lightly, then gives me a grin that borders on evil. “Or I’ll find one for them.”

“Yikes,” I reply with a laugh. “Remind me to never get on your bad side.” I look down at the files she handed me and flip through them. “These are for Luc—Lucas?”

I can feel the nameLuciferform on my lips, and I have to catch myself since we’re in public. Some people in this office definitely know about his true nature, but most of them don’t. It’s only the people at the upper levels—most of whom are demons themselves—who know what he really is.

“Yeah, just a few things he needs to sign off on,” Naamah tells me. “One of those does need to come back down when he’s finished with it, but there’s no rush. The orange folder.”

“Okay, I’ll let him know. Thanks!”

I pass through the sea of dirty looks again on my way to the elevator, and this time, instead of ignoring them, I smile back at them. Fuck it, why not? I’m too happy to let their jealousy get to me. I hum a little tune on the ride up, and I’m still humming when I step out of the elevator.

Sherri purses her lips at me in disapproval, but the red rings around her eyes make the expression completely ineffective. Has she been crying?

“Morning, Sherri,” I greet her, my brows pulling together. “Um, are you okay?”

She rolls her eyes and mutters something under her breath. Then she spins in her chair to rifle through some drawer or another, showing me her back. I’m not sure if her tears have to do with the circulating rumors about me and Lucas, but her dislike of me seems to have ratcheted up several notches.

Still, eventhatisn’t enough to touch my good mood today. I shrug and move on down the hallway. His door is cracked ever so slightly, and my heart starts pounding, remembering the last time I saw it like that. Remembering him touching himself and saying my name…

A shiver of desire rushes over me. I hesitate by the door, peeking in for a moment. Lucifer is fully dressed and working, rather than sitting at his desk stroking his cock, which doesn’t disappoint me.

No, really, it doesn’t.

Okay maybe a little.

I knock twice and walk in, closing the door behind me.

He raises an eyebrow at me, his dark eyes sweeping over me. “It’s appropriate to wait for a response before walking in.”

I return the expression, unable to keep the smirk off my lips. “Is it?” I slide the files on his desk and walk slowly around it, enjoying the way his eyes fixate on my hips. “Well, I’m terribly sorry sir. I would hate to behave inappropriately at the office.”

He turns his chair as I round the corner of his desk, facing me as I approach. When I’m close enough, his hands find their way to my knees, then begin to slide slowly up my thighs.

“Pardon me, sir, but whatever are you doing?” I murmur, biting my lower lip. “I must say, this behavior would send all of Human Resources into an absolute panic.”

He chuckles but lets his hands fall away.

Shit, I overplayed my hand.

“What Human Resources doesn’t know won’t hurt them. You make a very good point, however. Touching you is extremely inappropriate behavior for the office.”