Page 73 of Dark Prince

My hip bumps gently against the glass wall bordering the far edge of the pool, and I turn, heart pounding, to find myself staring down over the ravine below. The water falls in a thin sheet over the edge, captured by some unseen process below us. Lucas’s hard body presses against mine from behind, sandwiching me between him and the wall as my breasts flatten against the glass.

“I always thought these pools looked dangerous,” I confess with a little laugh.

He sighs, resting his chin on my shoulder.

“This is the least dangerous part of being with me,” he murmurs. I can feel the truth in his words, and it makes me shiver. “If I were a better man, I’d let you go.”

I peek over the edge, gazing into the abyss as I contemplate how it would feel to be let go, free to do whatever I pleased. It would be like falling over the edge. Everything in me would fight to stay, to climb back into his world, to feel his arms around me again.

“I don’t want to go anywhere,” I whisper. “I want to stay.”

I’m shocked that the words aren’t even hard to say. This isn’t like anything I’ve ever experienced before. I’m not placating him, not staying because I don’t know how to leave, not making excuses like ‘I left my wallet in his car’ or something. I want to stay the same way I want to wake up in the morning. The same way I want to keep breathing. The alternative is wholly unpalatable.

He turns me around to face him, and even though my back is to the danger, I feel safe. I’ll always be safe with him. Somehow, Iknowthat in a way I would never have expected a few days ago. His terrifying displays of violence, the fact that he’s a supernatural being—those things were shocking to discover, but they comfort me now instead of scaring me.

“You might want to stay now.” He starts to speak evenly before his voice grows darker. “But there are things you should know.”

The devil himself is warning me about the unknown parts of him, telling me to think it through. If he didn’t look so miserable, I might laugh. As it is, I press my palm against his cheek and kiss him briefly.

“Tell me,” I whisper. “What do I need to know?”

He presses his forehead against mine and sighs. “In some ways, Uriel was a lot like you.”

The sudden shift of topic surprises me. I tilt my head, frowning up at him in confusion, and he gives me a slight smile.

“He never wasted a lot of time thinking things through. With a clear option and a hazy option before him, he would make the clear choice. When presented with two options, or a single option and an implied option, he wouldn’t stop to consider whether there was a third.”

“He sounds like a very decisive sort of person.”

I’m not trying to sound defensive, but the thread of it is there, and it makes Lucifer huff a quiet laugh. Then he looks past my ear, his eyes looking at the city, but seeing something from his memory.

“He was very decisive, the type to always take action. Never waited around for someone else to do something if he could do it himself. Unwilling to backtrack once a decision was made. He would go forward with gusto, but never backward.”

There’s a complicated emotion behind his words. Something between affection and frustration.

“And I knew that,” he continues quietly. “I knew that it left him vulnerable to manipulation by bad logic. I think he knew it too. I believe that was why he was avoiding our father for so long.” He pauses, as if battling with himself. “I failed him. I knew his weakness, and I sent him to my father anyway. My father, who can take the most insane idea and make it sound logical, who can convince the most even-keeled being that the situation is dire with no evidence but his own conviction.”

His bitter grief and heavy guilt are clear in every syllable he speaks, and my stomach twists with sympathy. I close my arms tightly around him, wishing I could absorb those feelings through my skin and rid him of them.

“It wasn’t your fault,” I tell him firmly. “It was your father’s. He made the bad decision, he put your brother’s life on the line. It was his doing. Not yours.”

He tenses for a moment, as if he’s going to argue with me. Then he sighs, letting his body mold to mine, and kisses me. I don’t think he believes what I’m telling him. God knows how long he’s been carrying that guilt around. I don’t expect it to resolve with a few whispered words, but I hope, at least, to have given him momentary reprieve.

His mouth finds mine and gently, slowly, the heat begins to build between our lips. We move through the water as his hands grip my sides, my hips, and my thighs. My tongue tangles with his, and as he makes a growling sound against my lips, I reach down through the water to wrap my fingers around his cock. My eyelids droop as I stroke him, feeling the water shift around us at the movement as the heat of his thick shaft warms my palm.

My back hits the wall of the pool, and then I’m being hoisted onto the edge. My eyes pop open, my heart lurching as I find myself at the edge of the infinity pool with L.A. sprawled out below me in a fantastic array of hills and lights.

A blip of fear rises up inside me, but before I can think too much about the height and the large drop below me, Lucas’s tongue presses against my clit. He locks his arms around my legs to keep me anchored to him as he devours me. His tongue moves rapidly, but not in a careless fashion. Every lick and stroke is purposeful,tactical.All thoughts of what’s below me flee my head, and all I can do is grip the wall to keep myself upright as hoarse moans fall from my lips.

“You taste even sweeter than before,” he murmurs. “How the fuck is that possible?”

As if to prove how hungry he is for me, he falls into a rhythm of gliding his tongue down my pussy lips then back up, sucking and flicking at my clit when he reaches the top.

Although jealousy flashes through my head at the thought, I’m sure that Lucas has slept with too many women to count over the years, and I’m sure they’ve all been practice for him to getthisgood—but I can’t help but feel as though he’s adapting to my body specifically. He can make me come with almost scientific precision. Every lick, kiss, and scrape of his teeth pushes me one step closer to ecstasy.

Under his demanding tongue, I hit my climax fast andhard.

I grip the wall, completely dizzy from both satisfaction and the altitude. Lucas’s tongue keeps going, working me through the waves of pleasure and building toward another already. I bet he’d gladly keep doing this all night, eating me out as though it’s the single purpose of his life. And as enticing as that sounds, I want more of him. My fingers grip his thick, dark hair, tugging at the strands.