Page 70 of Dark Prince

As I turn around, I nearly smash into my own reflection. The drape she was hiding behind was concealing a ten-foot ritual mirror. Looking at myself, I get a sudden glimpse of what the girl was seeing. A monster, drenched in blood, vicious and deadly. Any human would be terrified beyond reason. Any human woman would have been frozen in place.

Even one who has made a habit of sleeping with demons.

I’m not sure I like where my thoughts are headed, but I can’t stop them now. Thinking about Sophia has become a habit, so ingrained that every thought can find its way back to her. If she saw me now, she would be as terrified as the waifish girl. If she knew what I’ve done tonight, she’d be traumatized.

She’s sweet like that. She would empathize, at least with the girls. She’d consider that, even though I removed them from immediate danger, I sent them out, defenseless, into the city. She would recognize their vulnerability instinctively—because she’s the same.

Vulnerable. Soft. Sweet. And so very,veryhuman.

Sophia is no monster. She isn’t powerful, not in the way I’m familiar with, although she has a powerful hold on me. I could hurt her without meaning to. One miscalculation, and I could kill her. One look at me now, when I’ve finished my work—work that I must do, work she could never understand—and she would be heartbroken. Terrified.Gone.

It’s only a matter of time.

If I were a stronger man, I would let her go. Hell, I wouldmakeher go. I would give her up like an addiction, quit her cold turkey.

But I’m not that strong. I’m selfish. I want what I want, and I’m not satisfied until it’s mine.

And all I want is Sophia.

Growling, I turn my back on my reflection. I need to see how the bloody warning to current or future revolutionaries is coming along.



“I could literally spendthirty years in your house and never get bored,” Cassidy tells Naamah with a contented sigh as she flops onto the sofa. She tilts her head up to take in the nearly movie theatre sized screen. “You’ve got everything here!”

She really does. We’ve been making the rounds in her massive house for hours now. Karaoke, booze, dancing, more alcohol, pool—both the game and the body of water—wine, her mini arcade, liquor, and now we’re winding down in front of the TV. The couch is more of a habitat, a horseshoe-shaped seat with cushions as big as full-sized mattresses. Around the back of it is a collection of cupboards and drawers and hidden things. Among them, a couple of small refrigerators and a wine rack. It’s a couch potato’s dream.

The thing is, I’m not much of a couch potato on a normal day, and the last few days have been anything but normal. Hanging out with Cassidy and Naamah has been fun and all, but I need to know what comes next, and when. I force myself to relax on the couch and watch the show with the girls, but I’m restless. Lucas’s absence is an unseen pressure, and the more I sober up, the more I notice it.

“So wait, hold on,” Cassidy is saying, gesturing lazily at the screen. “He’s in love with her, but she doesn’t know it. She’s in love with that guy, but he’s gay. Gay guy is in love with that one guy, who’s married to a woman and has a baby with her, and his wife is in love with… the doctor?”

“No, she’s in love with her brother-in-law, who used to be a doctor. But he lost his license for sleeping with a patient, who was the wife’s sister.”

Cassie blows out a defeated breath. “How do you keep all of this straight?”

Naamah smirks. “It helps if you watch from the beginning, but there are like fifty seasons at this point, and some of them aren’t even officially archived, so good luck with that.” Her phone buzzes, and she looks down. “Who’s texting me at this hour? Ahh, hey, Sophia, good news. Your knight in fiery chariot is on his way.”

Her eyes twinkle, and I give her a warning glare over Cassidy’s head.

“Oh, your boss?” Cassidy jumps off the couch and plants her hands on her hips. “Good, it’s about time he understood what he’s dealing with.”

“And what is he dealing with?” I tease as my younger sister stumbles slightly.

The doorbell rings before she can answer. She gives me a wicked grin and traipses off toward the front door, staying half a step behind Naamah, who’s risen to answer it.

My heart beats fast, anxious to see Lucas and anxious about him meeting Cassidy. Being half-tipsy isn’t the best state of mind to meet your sister’s new romantic interest, and being pissed off about demon activity isn’t the best state of mind for meeting your lover’s family member. At least I assume it isn’t.

I half expect my demonic boss to show up with bloodied clothes and glowing eyes, which makes the ninety second walk from the theater room to the front door feel like ninety years. When Naamah opens the door, though, he looks perfectly human. He isn’t wearing the same clothes as he was when he left me earlier today, but Cassidy wouldn’t know that.

He’s freshly showered and appears perfectly pleasant, putting on the air of a serious businessman who’s probably very boring at parties. His magnetism is as strong as ever—it’s just a different flavor tonight.

He meets my gaze and gives me a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Then Cassidy steps into the space between us and plants her feet, daring him to ignore her.

“Hello,” he greets, holding out his hand to her. “Lucas Hale.”

“Cassidy, Sophia’s sister,” she replies, shaking his hand firmly. “I’ve been wanting to meet you. My sister’s told me all kinds of strange things about you, and I have questions.”