Page 65 of Dark Prince

“Details!” Naamah demands.

“Wait, wait, buildup! How’d it happen? Were you like, flirting the whole time? Who kissed who first?”

Cassidy props her elbows on the counter, batting her eyes at me pleadingly. She’s clearly gotten over whatever reservations she had about Lucas and the strange circumstances that led to me working for him, and I wonder if it’s because she can tell he’s the polar opposite of Jason. Or maybe it’s because I can’t seem to stop myself from smiling whenever I talk about him.

It all still feels a little surreal. Just a couple days ago, Lucas was my apparently human boss, a man I was attracted to but determined to keep my distance from. But it’s like as soon as I learned the truth about him, all the other lies we’d been telling ourselves about how much we didn’t want each other crumbled down too.

“Well,” I say slowly, “we both had to shower—”

“You showered together?” Cassidy squeaks.

“No.” I laugh. “But there was a situation with the clothes, he saw me in my towel, and things got pretty tense for a second. We were talking about something and the whole time I’m just super aware of being fully naked and him looking at me and stuff, and… we almost kissed.”

“Aww, that’s nothing.” My sister pouts, clearly disappointed. “Almost?”

“Yup, almost.” I down the rest of my drink and let Naamah give me more. I take another gulp and let the fuzziness swirl around my head for a moment. It feels nice to be a little buzzed, as if the booze is loosening up all the tension in my muscles. “Because he said these exact words:if you kiss me, I won’t be able to stop.”

Cassidy and Naamah both make delighted, scandalized noises. “Ugh, it would be all over for me right there,” Cassidy groans. “Towel on the floor, boss on the bed, HR be damned.”

“Here, here,” Naamah says, toasting sloppily. “Especially the HR be damned part.”

“Then what?” Cassidy eagerly blurts.

I tell them how it went down, skimming over the conversation leading up to the kiss. Mostly, I give credit to the sudden change in plans and our being isolated and stressed from the chaotic day. The special parts, I keep to myself possessively, although I do go down the list of places where he fucked me.

“Kitchen table—”

“Hot.” Naamah smirks.

“Unsanitary,” Cassidy retorts.

“Against the fridge—”

“Against it?”

“He must be hella strong.”

“Are you calling me fat?” I swat at Cassidy and miss, but I blame gravity, which decides at that moment to tilt suddenly to the left. Okay, it might be the booze.

“No, I’m just saying, if you’re gonna get the proper amount of thrust all vertical and shit, the guy probably lifts.”

I think of the way he fought the dragon demon thing all by himself and snort. “Yeah. He definitely lifts.”

“Where else?” Naamah asks, waggling her eyebrows.

“Else? Twice isn’t enough? You didn’t do it more than twice, did you?” Cassidy gawks.

I smirk. “Bedroom—”



“I’ve never—man, the last dude I was with needed a whole ass twenty-four hours in between,” Cassidy says, pouting. “What is he, a god or something?”

“Or something,” I tell her, laughing. “But twenty-four hours, really? Even Jason could go a couple rounds in less time than that.”

“Pro tip,” Naamah tells Cassidy. “Date a guy who runs. Trust me.”