But would someone go this far as to imprison me for two days just to do that? Unfortunately, I don’t fucking think so.
“And I do urge you to behave appropriately or else.” He removes one of the hands from behind his back and places it against the cage. I move a little closer only to be horrified as I see that one of his fingers is missing.
“My master, Luca, took my finger for not behaving the right way, and I am only a servant. And his favorite servant at that.”
“Okay, seriously what the fuck? How does someone get away with something like that in the 21st century?” Shit, was that going to count as a question? “Donottake that as one of my questions.”
“I certainly would hope that isn’t a question. I’m not done with what I was saying anyway. So, as the lady of the house, you must wear the outfit that Luca picks for you, especially when you go out together. When you leave you wear things as he directs. There are no exceptions. Dinner is served every night at 7 PM sharp and breakfast at 9 AM, and every day I will come down here to escort you to both of those meals upstairs. Any other meals and snacks will be had down here in the cage until further notice. Though, you should know that he calls it theoubliette. As you should also refer to it.”
I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest as I try to take in all of this information. Technically, I know I can survive this. I have had ridiculous rules my whole life. My father is a Catholic priest. I went to Catholic school. There are all kinds of crazy rules because of those things. This is just another cage to survive.
Until I get the chance to end this…
And the best part of all of it is I already know that I can kill a man. I killed Isaac, so who the fuck says I can’t kill Luca? Maybe Luca is a little bit more cunning and smart; maybe he’s even a little bit stronger, but maybe if I behave and trick him, there will be a chance. And then I really will be free.
Migual continues once more, and I wonder when his diatribe is going to finally be fucking over. I mean, I am starving here and bored out of my mind. “If you behave, you will be rewarded with things. Some of these will be items that you want or need and others will be trips out of the house, which I’m sure you could use in case you get stir crazy down here. You will be alone for the next hour; then I will be back to take you to dinner.” Migual walks away from the cage and further into the room. I hadn’t noticed it before, but there is a small closet in this room, outside of the cage. He opens it, revealing a set of clothes. All for women. Almost all dresses.
He pulls one out of the closet, probably what Luca has picked out for me this time, and he brings it over to me. I look at the plum number and see it is bodycon style. So, I guess this definitely confirms that Luca does not swing the other way. At least he’s going to enjoy my body in a way that Isaac never would.
But the fact that he has me inside a cage and drugged me after forcing me to marry him, all of it disgusts me. Or should. But right now I’m too fucking hungry to worry about any of that.
“This is what you are to wear to dinner. And please, you should use the shower because you smell like a pig.”
Well, that was fucking rude. I don’t believe the servant himself said that. But when I lean down to take a small whiff of my own underarms, I realize that he’s probably right. I mean, I have been in here in the same dress, stressed and drugged for more than two days.
The idea of a hot meal and possibly getting to see and talk to Luca himself and maybe get myself out of this is enough to send me stripping in 20 seconds flat.
Migual turns and leaves, not staying to watch me and sticking with the fact that he said he would be gone for an hour. Good, I can make the shower a good and long one. Hopefully the water is hot.
Not having anything else I can do with it, I set the dress I’ve been wearing as well as the plum dress on my bed and then go to turn on the shower, pleasantly surprised when it’s instantly hot. I guess though if you have the kind of money that Luca must, you can certainly afford to have instant hot water in your cage. Oroublietteas I’m supposed to call it. I let the hot water fall on my head and roll onto my back, scrubbing the best I can and then just letting all of my muscles relax. I didn’t realize how much tension I was holding until I let the hot water start working the kinks out.
Before I know it, Migual will be back, and I will be expected to follow these ridiculous rules I’ve been told about.
I get out of the shower and find a small towel that’s actually inside the vanity, drying myself off with it. Then, I tug on the plum dress, just hoping that it’s going to fit my curvy body. It’s a tight fit, but I’m not going to bust out of it, thank goodness.
I look in the mirror, pleased that I at least look well put together for having to get ready in a cage.
Inside the vanity I find a simple brush and start getting the tangles out of my hair and hoping that something good is going to come out of this dinner.
Well, maybe not something good because I doubt he’s going to give me a divorce or he’s just going to have a heart attack and die, but maybe something better than being locked in a cage. If only my father could see me now, then maybe he would prostrate himself before me and repent. Because this shit can be traced directly back to him and his antics to get me married off to the highest bidder.
Fucking thanks, Daddy.