Page 29 of Covert

Chapter 27


If I regret anything while I was undercover for the government, it’s missing the births of my niece and nephew, Livia and Felix. Missing such a pivotal moment in my best friend’s life was awful. Even moreso, she went through a painful delivery with these two little miracles. It’s a blessing none of them passed away. I’m not too familiar with preeclampsia but let’s just say I did my research. Terrifying doesn’t even touch it. I can’t imagine something being wrong with your body, something which you can’t control and you have to hope and pray it’ll get better. Thank God physicians are advanced in this day and age. If we were one hundred years in the past all of them would’ve probably died.

Livia smiles brightly at me in her bouncer, cooing as much as she can. She has her mother’s olive skin tone with her father’s dark eyes and hair. God, even at this young age I know this little girl will end up being a beauty queen one day. Aria’s always been breathtakingly gorgeous and when you combine Aria Funar with Salvatore Moretti – fuck, let’s just admit their kids look like aliens. They’re gorgeous. Even little Sorina is shockingly beautiful. You think one of these kids would’ve inherited their grandfather’s ugly nose, but nope. These three are picture perfect.

Felix on the other hand is asleep in the bassinet. Marcel and I have been visiting his sister and brother-in-law for the last three days and one thing I can say about Felix is how much like Salvatore he is. Little Felix sits in his bouncer or swing and stares at everyone around him. He barely makes a peep. It won’t surprise me in the least bit if this little guy grows up to be just as calculating as his father, if not moreso.

“You’re staring at them like you’ve never seen a baby in your life.” Aria laughs, while Sorina comes running over to me so I pick her up. I scoop the toddler up in my arms, and my ovaries almost burst when she tucks her head against my chest and sticks her thumb in her mouth. Seems like this little one is ready for a nap.

“I’ve seen plenty of babies. I’m simply taking them in. Lord knows when the next time I’ll see these three are.” I admit, feeling a sense of sadness rush over me.

My hope is that Marcel and I can visit more often, but who knows what’s in store for us. Last week my father was arrested. Somehow it shocked our King and Queen, but I informed them he’d been trafficking not only arms but women as well. That his arrest was karma getting back to him for the horrific things he’d done over the years. At that point in time Marcel told me I’d be the accountant for the Funar Clan, which I obviously accepted. But what shocked me more than anything is how Mariana asked me to take a series of interns from other prominent Clan leaders and have them learn to do accounting as well. She stated how we needed to be able to trust those looking at our numbers, and I agree.

“You’ll see them soon enough. You just have to promise me one thing, Isa.” Aria states, looking at me with the utmost seriousness.

“Anything. What is it?”

“You need to pop a kid out by the time these two are toddlers. I love having babies around and since I can’t have anymore kids because of how high risk I am . . . you’re going to have to sacrifice your body for the greater good.”

We both bust into laughter but come to a stop when I hear Marcel speak from behind me. “We don’t have to wait until these two are toddlers. We can start trying next month, if you’d like, babygirl.”

When Aria hears the term babygirl she cocks a brow and I pray she doesn’t know what it means, but at the way her cheeks flush a bright red— she knows.

“Maybe we can start trying in six months or so. I want to enjoy our honeymoon phase, Marcel.” I whisper, looking up into those dark eyes of his.

He snickers, “You say six months when you actually mean two.”

I playfully smack his arm, “So what?! It’ll happen when it happens.”

Marcel dips his lips down a few inches from mine, “We’ll have an entire house full of pitter pattering feet in five years, baby. Just you wait. I’m going to keep you pregnant as much as I can, filling you—”

“Whoa. Okay, how about we stop right where we’re at?” Aria shoots out, standing up. “As a matter of fact, I’ll leave while you two finish whatever . . . this is. Watch the kids, you’ll need the practice.”

Aria runs out of the room like a bat escaping hell while my husband and I laugh amongst ourselves.

It’s in this moment I realize this was always my dream —being part of the Funar Clan.