Page 24 of Covert

Chapter 23


Isabella asked me to call Stefan, and I’ll admit I forgot about that small detail. The most important thing was getting her to a local hospital. It’s obvious she needed treatment, but the tricky part of it all was finding someone who would discreetly treat her. Within twenty minutes we were at a hospital. Isabella was being rushed back on a gurney while I made sure to hand the doctor who took her a decent tip, ensuring she’d be in the most private of areas, unseen by wandering eyes. A nurse told me they’d come out and speak to me in a few minutes to give me a status update so I call Stefan while I sit down in the waiting room.

It rings a couple times before he greets me, “I take it everything is ready?”

I cock a brow, realizing these two must’ve had some sort of plan. Truthfully, it irritates me a bit that Stefan Dalca of all people knew this about Isabella and I didn’t. He’s scum in my opinion. Rich, overprivileged Romanian scum. “Yes, Isabella said you’d know what to do.”

“That I do, Marcellus. That I do. I’ll fill you in. I have men in New York right now. Even though I chose Presley over Isabella when it came down to it, I always felt the need to make sure Isabella had somewhat of a team behind her, even if she didn’t realize it. My eyes were always on the one who was supposed to marry me. Isabella knows the type of men I hire, but never knew they were watching her. I can send them after Franco at this point considering she’s safe.”

I didn’t like Stefan, but knowing he’s had members of his team watching over Isabella for this long does make me feel better about him. Even though he’s an asshole, it gives me hope this man is one of his word. “Don’t send them, I have a connection of someone who’s supposed to be close by. Hold on a sec.” I pull my phone from my ear and text Enzo, the half-brother of the Morettis, who is in the Skulls Renegade MC and tell him it’s a go to continue after Franco and finish him.

I’d love to be there and do the deed myself, although that’s only a selfish action. The man doesn’t deserve to breathe another moment and prolonging his life isn’t something I’d ever allow. The Skulls Renegade will have no problem ending a man’s life, especially Franco’s.

I put the phone back to my ear, “I’m back.”

“Do me a favor and don’t waste my time. I’m a high commodity these days, Marcellus. Although, let me give you a word of advice. You should make sure Isabella lays low for a while. She’s gonna have an entire army of people after her. The Falcones aren’t the type of people who don’t have friends. Any close associates will be searching for her. I have no doubt you can figure out a way to make sure she steers clear of the people looking for her.”

“I can figure something out.” I state, thinking how Isabella and I can take the first flight out of here to a warm locale as soon as she’s cleared by the doctor.

Stefan snickers from the other end, “I’m sure you can. Well, I’d better get going. I’ll see you soon enough.”

Stefan ends the phone call while I’m certain the two of us will cross paths very soon.

“Sir, you can come back with me now.” The nurse states, calling me from a few feet away. I rise and head toward her, watching as she pulls out an electronic key card that gains us entry to the back.

We head to the right, walk about a hundred feet or so and make a sharp left. The entire corridor doesn’t have any lights on so I instantly think something is going on. Every red flag inside my body flies up until we go into a room where the lights are dim and I see Isabella on the bed.

The doctor is asking her a series of questions. She furrows her brows, “I’m sorry . . . I don’t remember. It just hurts.”

“Alright, well that could be from the obvious malnutrition you’ve experienced. We have you hooked up to some fluids. I’m running a complete blood panel to be safe. Now . . . I’m going to forewarn you. This next question won’t be an easy one to answer. I’ve seen women like you come in time and time again, usually enduring the same thing. Should I prepare a rape kit for you?” The doc’s question blows me away.

“Is that necessary?” I ask,

The doctor doesn’t waver his eyes from Isabella’s. “No. No thank you.” She murmurs quietly, diverting her eyes to the wall.

“Alright. I’ll be back in an hour to check on you. In the meantime, get some rest.” He exits the tiny hospital room and I approach Isabella’s bedside, taking a seat on the shitty chair next to her bed and pull her hand into my palm. Emotion overwhelms me but I do my best to stay strong and not allow her to see the worry that’s been eating me alive these last few days.

I press my lips on the top of her hand and look up to her glistening eyes. Her hair is a mess, raggedy and bunched up but she hasn’t looked more beautiful to me. Isabella is truly one of the strongest women I’ve ever known.

“I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.” I confess, keeping my voice strong. I don’t want her to see how this experience affected me.

“You didn’t. I’m okay. I was the lucky one,”

The two of us share a look before she asks me what I know is coming. “How is Madigan? Do you know anything yet?”

Shifting my head down to the floor I take in a deep breath, “The update I’ve gotten isn’t a good one, Isa. The conditions you were both in combined with her wounds are extensive at best. The only thing that helped was how cold it was. That’s the only reason she didn’t bleed out. I’ll give you another update when I can, but it’s touch and go.”

Unlike me, they called an ambulance for the younger Steele sister. She was in far worse condition and it didn’t matter if her identity got out on the streets. The Steele family has an entire public relations team dedicated to situations like this. They’d be able to twist it and turn it into Madigan being a strong survivor. Me on the other hand, my only concern was getting Isabella to a hospital as soon as we could without making a ruckus.

“God, I hope she makes it through. She didn’t deserve everything that Franco did to her, Marcel.”

I shake my head, “No, babygirl. I can’t imagine she did. Let’s not think about that right now, okay? You need to rest. Let me worry about everything else. That’s what I’m here for.”