Page 27 of Shattered

“Okay, well it seems that you’ve mentally prepared yourself for this decision. We can go over the technicalities of what having a hysterectomy will do to you, and the medicine’s you’ll need to take afterwards at a later time. Did you have any questions for me, Bethany?”

“Yeah. When can we get it taken care of? I really want to get this out of my body.”

“Well, I’m waiting for one more test result, but as long as it comes back somewhat normal, I’d say within the next couple of weeks, depending on your insurance’s pre-authorization requirements.”

At this point, I interject. “Insurance won’t be paying for it. Instead, I will.”

“Oh?” Dr. Santiago raises his eyebrows at the same moment Bethany rips her hand from mine, looking at me like I’ve lost my damn mind.

“Yes, I will be paying cash, for whatever she needs. There’s no need to run her through any pre-authorizations, simply tell me what the surgery and aftercare will cost, and I’ll pay every penny. It’s worth it to know she’ll be okay.”

“Aw, what a lovely couple you are. As for pricing, I can’t say for certain. The hospital where we conduct the surgeries has pricing changes every year. I can say a rough estimate of seventy-five thousand for everything but please don’t quote me on that.”

“Great.” I say, glancing over to Bethany who looks like she either wants to strangle me, or break into tears. I only hope she realizes I’m doing this to save us both. I can’t bear to lose her, and she has so much of her life left to live.