Chapter Twenty-Four
I sit on the couch with my wife, looking at her and the tiny bump that has now appeared on her lower stomach where she is carrying my children. I have not necessarily been the paternal type, seeing myself as raising a child, but I can just imagine having a family with this crazy woman I have fallen for against my will. And any child that comes from her DNA is going to be special, strong, the kind of child that can carry on our legacy that we are creating here. And it starts today.
Because today is the deal we make a plan to rid the planet of Glib and this scatter his gang. They will be easy picking after that, if they even dare to stick around. They will know when we are done who rules the Ukraine.
"You look beautiful,dytyna," I tell her, and she rolls her eyes at me even as a smile she can’t escape rises on her face.
Things have been different since New York. We had to start working differently. We have always been a team, but now, we have to be a couple too. After all she had lost, she saw herself as alone, and I didn’t know. I didn’t know her. She had to tell me and be OK with me knowing. And then I became her family.
It is something I treasure because I know she doesn’t give something like that away so easily, but I love her more for it.
But I have seen her toughness returning, and a lot of it is because of this pregnancy. I can see a new determination in her to be someone worthy of motherhood, someone she didn’t think she was before.
"Look, I plan on fucking you later, don’t worry about that, but right now, I am so ready to get to business," she tells me with a familiar gleam in her eye. I know my Vera is back.
"Okay, well, I think we can trick him, but you know best how he operates. He seems a volatile and unpredictable leader, but you have been dealing with him much longer than me. If I ask him to come to a meeting, to make a deal of some kind, a truce maybe, how would he respond?" I ask her.
She looks thoughtful before looking at me. "I don’t think he would accept any invitation from you. He is afraid of you and your resources. It is not so much he is not afraid of me, but he thinks that he can outsmart me or that he can have a bigger network than me to use against me. It would have to come from me. But I know that he does not follow any codes or rules. He has no honor. Even if we ask that he comes alone, he will not."
I nod slowly, thinking if there is a way we can sue that about him to our advantage. "We will not come alone either. I will hide our men well, but they will be there and ready to strike at a moment’s notice," I assure her. "But where do we do this that gives us the advantage?"
"It should be here, in the city somewhere, somewhere we know like the back of our hand," she says with a shrug.
"Would he ever agree to that? Isn’t that too obvious?"
She shakes her head. "He is more likely to think I will honor there being no one else there or that I will only have a few men. He underestimates me...or overestimates, depending on how you look at it. All my men know how to fight, and fight they will. To the death."
"How appropriate," I comment, not liking the sound of such a bloodbath, but it doesn’t mean she isn’t right. "Our men against his, then?" I ask her, and Vera nods enthusiastically.
I sigh because the thought of a pregnant woman...especially one pregnant with my children, getting caught in such a crossfire does not appeal to me one bit.
"You know I will have to ask you to stay behind just in case. You are carrying our children."
She nods. "I know." She doesn’t fight ,me, and this is something I am not sued to. But I also know she cares for those children as much as I do. Maybe it is that simple. "I have a call to make, meet me in the bedroom in ten," she orders me before sauntering off, still as sexy as ever even in pregnancy.
Damn, I am a lucky man, and I intend to find a way where we all make it out of this alive.
All except Glib.