“Well, they should have.”

“Just answer the question and quit avoiding it, man.”

“I think so. I mean, it’s not like I’ve made much of a secret of it. The whole town has made us the county gossip fodder.”

“That’s for damn sure.”

“Yeah. I’m actually glad Katie can’t really get out. I don’t want her to hear that shit.”

“I love living here, but if there’s one drawback, that’s probably it,” Reed admits.

“Well, if she knows, then what exactly is going on with you two?”

“Nothing,” I grumble.

“Nothing?” Reed asks, disbelief in his voice. I can understand it because I can’t believe it myself. “Dude, I know she’s healing and all of that, but you got to make some moves here.”

“I did. I kissed her and…”


“It was good—damn good. Yet, after it was over, she looked at me and Reed, man, I swear she was terrified. I could see it on her face as clear as day.”

“Shit,” Reed hisses.

“Yeah. I’m at a loss on what to do next. I don’t want to scare her. I don’t really want to back away from her either.

“Are you going back out on the circuit?”

“It’s my job man. It’s the only thing I’ve ever been good at in life. I’m at the top now, though. I don’t have to accept every rodeo. I can stick to the tour and do it for the points. Eventually I could go to being a color announcer. I’d be in the sport but with less demand. I’d be okay with that.”

“Have you talked to Katie about that?”

“Hell, no.”

“Why on earth not?”

“Reed, she was scared to death after one kiss. If I start telling her plans for the future, how do you think she will react?”

“Considering your history together, I’d say she might just relax and stop worrying.”

“Right,” I mock. “You always were a dreamer, buddy.”

“It’s worked out well for me, I’d say.”

“Yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t take part in your wedding. I really am glad things have worked out for you and Callie.”

“That’s my fault. I was in the wrong. I should have told you about Lennon. Katie was in such a bad state, I couldn’t. Still, I know that wasn’t fair to you. I was just trying to do what was best for everyone and lost sight of the fact that I should have had your back over everything else.”

“I can see after reading the letter how you felt you were doing the right thing,” I allow. I still have anger, but I’m learning to let it go. Well, at least all of it that’s not directed at my brother.

“I’ve missed you, brother.”

“Same,” I admit.

“Friends again?”
