“No, I want to hold him a little while,” I argue, kissing the top of my son’s head.

“If you’re sure,” Jake cautions.

“Positive. Did you guys go have food?”

“Yep! We had a Happy Meal.”

“All three of you?”

“Well, Lennon had one. Jake and I opted for a quarter pounder.”

“I bet that was good,” I respond to Barbara, knowing how much both her and Jake hate the place.

“Scrumptious,” Jake murmurs, and I let out a silent giggle from the look on his face. It’s painful because it makes my body jerk, but I just hold Lennon closer.

“Hazel, we were kinder to you. We thought you might like to have a chicken dinner from KFC.”

“Thanks,” she laughs.

“I’ve got it in my car. I figure we better all say our goodbyes, so we get back home before it gets too late.”

“I don’t want to leave Mommy,” Lennon argues, hugging me tighter.

“I don’t want you to leave me either, buddy, but Mommy has to stay a little longer.”

“Why? If you come home, I can help you. You can lay in bed all day. I’ll bring you food and everything. Just like you do me when I’m sick, Mommy.”

“I wish I could, buddy, but the doctors won’t let me leave just yet.”


“Hey, Lennon, what did I tell you?” Jake says, crouching down by the bed so he’s closer to our boy.

“That you would stay with Mommy to take care of her until you could bring her back home to me.”

“Exactly. Your mom is going to be okay.”

“Are you, Mommy?” he asks, his little face earnest as he looks up at me for reassurance.

“I’m going to be just fine, baby. Your momma is a tough old broad. I just need a little more care to help me walk and things. That’s all.”

“I love you,” he exclaims, face-planting into my chest and making the words muffled. I hold him close, tears stinging my eyes.

“I know I scared you, Lennon, but I’m okay, I promise.”

“I don’t want to lose you, Mommy.”

I put my hands on each side of his face and force him to raise up to look at me. “You won’t, honey. I’m not going anywhere.”

“What if you have another ax…ax…”

“Accident?” I finish because he’s taking big gulps of air and it’s making it hard for him to talk.


“Then, I’ll come back here where the doctors will patch me up and make me okay again.”

“But they won’t let me stay with you.” I can see the tears shining in his eyes, but he’s trying really hard not to cry.