I don’t stop to think. I cut deeply so that the brunt of the hit will hit my side of the car. I hear Mom scream. “No! Katie!”

Then, there is the sound of metal on twisted metal. I close my eyes as glass breaks around me and then everything goes dark.



“Is he out?” Mom asks, as I come out of Lennon’s room.

I smile. “Yeah. He played so hard he’s worn out. I hope Katie doesn’t get upset he’s sleeping in the middle of the day.”

“Nah, Lennon always takes a nap—although it’s usually when he gets home from school. Still, you guys did a lot of work in the barn and then went riding. He needs a nap before dinner.”

“Yeah, he had fun today, didn’t he?”

“He did,” Mom laughs. “You look a lot more relaxed than you have the last couple of days,” she points out and I shrug.

“Lennon makes everything better.”

That’s not a lie and I’m hoping it’s enough to satisfy my mother.I should have known better.

“I was thinking it might have something to do with Katie.”



I shake my head, not bothering to hide my smile. “Just stop.”

“I would, it’s just I noticed that when you came back inside after talking to her you were smiling.”

“That’s because I knew Lennon was here,” I point out.

“Okay, I can believe that. Of course, there’s also the fact that you stared out the window with a grin on your face as Katie pulled out of the driveway.”

“I did not,” I deny, but even I know that I probably did.

She laughs—which is Mom’s way of telling me I’m full of shit, without coming right out and saying it. “What I’m wondering is why Katie looked pissed when she left, and you looked relieved.”

“I’m not sure you want to hear this, Mom,” I respond as she walks over to the island and puts a cup of coffee down in front of me. She sets hers down on the counter and adds some sugar.

“Why wouldn’t I?” she asks, sitting down.

“Because it involves Katie, who was set to marry Jeff, remember?”

“Like I could forget,” she says with the wave of her hand. “I’m getting ready to lay some honesty down on you, son. Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” I mumble, sipping my coffee.

“When your brother came to me and told me that he and Katie were getting married, I warned him he was setting himself up for heartache. I didn’t say that to him because I love him more or any less than I love you. I love both my boys the same. I’m not blind to the fact both of you are wonderful men, but also have your own special flaws.”

“Thanks, I think.”

“No problem,” she responds with a smirk. I’d roll my eyes, but when we did that when we were younger Mom would set our heads on fire. I might be older now, but I’m not wanting that particular punishment again. “Still, I knew in my heart that Katie didn’t love Jeff in a way that a woman should love her man. Katie knew it too, and that’s why she pushed Jeff away. I don’t know what’s going on with Jeff now, but I ultimately want all three of my children happy and I include Katie in that. So, sortout in that pretty little head what you want and go after it. The rest will work out. Maybe it has already.”

“What’s that mean?”

“Maybe you and Katie are right where you were meant to be all along and just maybe Jeff is too. The universe has a way of working itself out if you let it, my boy.”