
“Well, I guess I’ll just ask her why she cries then. That way, we will know and can make it better.”

“You think we can?”

I study Lennon’s face, and he looks so eager that I can tell this is something that has been worrying him. I let out a breath and force a smile on my face. “I don’t know if I can, but I know that you can, buddy. Your mommy loves you, and love can cure anything.”

“It can?”


“Have you ever loved anyone?”

It’s a simple question, and the little innocent face staring up at me has no idea just how loaded it is. I smile.

“Yeah. I have,” I finally answer, and before I can stop myself, I reach out and muss his hair. “I sure have.”

I turn and shift the truck back in drive. It’s going to be a weekend that keeps me on my toes, but damn if I’m not looking forward to it.



“Katie? What on earth are you doing?”

I look up at Mom as I puff out some air to get my bangs out of my face. I hold up my pipe wrench and wave it around. “I’m going to fix the faucet.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Katie, sweetheart. You’re not a plumber.”

“I know, but the only plumber available is Wiz’s, and I’d rather haul buckets of water from the creek than have him in my house,” I mutter. I don’t add that my pocketbook can’t handle his fees either.

“Maybe we could ask—”

“Don’t say it, Mom.”


“I can fix it. I watched a video on the internet. It’s simple.”

“I’m not so sure,” she hedges.

“I am,” I lie, pasting on a fake smile.

I did watch a video—fifteen of them to be exact—but it didn’t look simple at all. It was confusing as hell. Still, it appears there’s a loose connection, and I just need to tighten up the pipe. Seriously, how hard can that be really?

The doorbell rings as I get down on my knees and open the cabinet under the sink.


“Can you answer the door? It might be Jake bringing back Lennon.”

“It’s a little early for that,” Mom responds, but she turns her chair around and heads in the direction of the door.

“Maybe having a kid all weekend was too much for him,” I mutter—mostly under my breath. The truth is that’s what I’m hoping for. I feel horrible for that, however. Every single time that Lennon called me, it was clear that my son was having the time of his life. He was so happy. I should be glad about that. I should feel good for my son. I can’t help but feel a little threatened. What if Lennon decides life with Jake is more fun than life with his mother? What if my son is so happy with Jake that he no longer needs me?

And what kind of mother worries about that instead of being happy for her son?!

I let out a breath of frustration because my head is just a mess. I study what the videos called an S-trap and try to remember where the leak was the worst. With any luck, I just need to tighten up the washer thingy. It can’t be that hard. I just need to find the right one.