“What did you do to screw it all up?” she accuses, and I frown at her—a frown she steadfastly ignores.

“What makes you thinkI’mthe one that screwed up here?” I grumble.

“Because when my Katie gets that haunted look in her eyes, there’s usually a Ryan boy to blame, and ninety-nine percent of that time it’s you, Jake.”

Out of respect for the woman, I don’t let loose with the string of not nice words that I’d like to say. I bite them back. Apparently, Katie, Jeff, and whoever the hell else can be thevictim here but not me. Never mind that I’ve been robbed of seven years of my child’s life or that I’ve been lied to by the people I loved and trusted—by my own blood.

“Well, this time, I’m the innocent one, Miss Hazel, and with all due respect, you can either believe me or not.”

She studies me and must find her answer because she gives a heavy sigh. “Jeff finally showed up.”

“No, he called her.”

She drums her fingers against the TV tray and shakes her head. “I’m guessing that didn’t go well.”

“Truthfully, I don’t know what happened, and I didn’t really ask. I don’t really want to hear anything about Katie’s relationship with my brother.”

“Fair enough. I’m just wondering what kind of plans you have where my granddaughter is concerned.”

“None whatsoever.”

“Now you’re lying to me, Jake. I don’t remember you being that type.”

“I’m being honest. I’m here to get to know Lennon and have a relationship with him. That’s all that is on my mind right now—nothing more and nothing less.”

She takes a deep breath and then shocks the hell out of me by putting her hand on my arm. “You know what I’ve always said about you, Jake? Even after you left Katie?”

“What’s that?” I find myself asking, even though I’m worried about the answer.

“I’ve always said you were a good man that just needed to find his way,” she says, patting my arm, her touch warm and soft. “Now, it’s time you prove me right, boy. You need to stop running from the past.”

“What does that mean?” I ask, wondering why I feel panicked.

For a second, I think she’s going to answer me. Before she can, however, Lennon comes running in full force and launches his little body at me so quickly that it’s all I can do to catch him in time.

“Jake! Mommy says you want to tuck me in!”

I hug him close, breathing in the sweet, innocent smell of baby lotion and powders. Having Lennon in my arms fills me with nervousness and joy all at the same time. When I lean back, I grin at him. “I sure do.”

“Yay!” He all but jumps out of my lap and pulls on my hand until I’m forced to stand up and follow him. “I have a new Bad Guys book I haven’t read. I normally have Mommy read girly books, but we’re men. We can read different stories.”

I look at Katie and smile at her. “Sometimes, girly books are good to read,” I respond, winking at her. She tries to smile back at me, but she mostly fails.



Four Days Later

It has been a rough week. I haven’t heard from either of the Ryan boys since Sunday night when Jake tucked Lennon in. I don’t know what I expected but having him call before Lennon goes to bed every night—usually at a time when he knows I won’t be the one answering the phone—is slightly unnerving. It never fails, actually. Jake calls right after Lennon’s bath during a time when I’m getting Mom to bed. It’s like they have a secret system worked out. I’ve been tempted to change how I do things just to answer the damn phone to see what would happen, but I always change my mind. It’s probably a good thing that I don’t have to deal with Jake Ryan.

Tonight is my late night at the shop. It’s not easy running my own business and making it work while still making sure Lennon is my first priority. I compromise by working late on Thursdays and keeping regular hours the rest of the time. Most of the time, it’s exhausting, but there’s pride and accomplishment mixed in there too. This wasn’t the career I always thought I’d have, but I sacrificed some dreams so that I could be the mother that Lennon needed. I’ve never regretted it, and it makes me happy.In fact, I discovered that I actually love what I do and the flexibility that it allows me.

I’m grateful.

I have a full life, and if I never have anything more than my career, Lennon, and my grandmother, then I still have everything I could ever want. I don’t need Jeff or Jake or any man, and that feeling of independence isn’t something that I will ever take for granted.

I finish putting a dustpan full of hair clippings and dust in the garbage can. Then, I jump when I hear a knock at the door. Macon is a small town, and everyone knows everyone, but there is crime here and there. I’m always leery when I’m working alone. When I look out of the front of the shop, shock, nervousness, and worry all combine when I see Jake standing at the door. My hand grips tighter against the broom handle as I force myself to lean it against the wall and clip the dustpan against it. I rub my palms down my worn jeans, trying to calm my nerves and paste a calm look on my face as I unlock the door.