I clutch onto the sheets, my breath as tense in my chest as my whole body beneath him.

Sliding out of me, he’s in a rush to slam back in, hard enough that I jolt up the mattress. A savage growl rumbles through his chest. He snatches my waist and brings me back down on him.

I clench my eyes shut, holding onto the sheets as though they can balance me.

This is nothing like those stolen moments we’ve had.

This is animalistic, desperate, and scary.

His pace is quick to pick up. His teeth leave my neck, and instead he buries his face there, slamming in and out of me.

His hands reach out for mine. He snatches up my wrists and pins them down above my head.

I keep my eyes shut, feeling his breaths coming out erratic and hoarse against my collarbone.

Then he pounds into me once more with a grumbling, deep growl that rumbles against my body, and a spill of warmth spreads through my core.

I blink my eyes open, a thickness in my throat I can’t explain.

He rolls off of me, landing beside me with a thump on the feathery mattress. Stretching back his arms, he clasps his hands behind his head like a pillow. His cheek turns to the crook of his arm and he watches me.

I eye him back, unsure of my next move.

Before I can ask or make to do up the strings of my bodice to hide myself, the prince delivers a blow hard enough to empty my insides of air; “It was satisfactory.”

Cheeks burning like flames in a hearth, I loosen a long, ribboning breath.

What am I to say to that?

It’s not as though you made any effort to pleaseme, I want to tell him. Instead, he took pleasure from my body—and apparently it was not enough for him.

My hands come up to my bare breasts. I cover them for a beat before I start to tidy up my bodice, tears starting to brew in my stinging eyes.

“You must relax more next time,” he says.

Next time.

I blink at him.

So it was at least decent enough for him to want more...? Just as I want more of the white powder.

“Be open to me,” he adds, “and the experiences I can offer.”

Under my breath, I take too much of a risk like the fool I am; “Like you were so worried about my experiences.”

Then what I saidaloudhits me like a slap across the face and my eyes widen.

Beneath my skin, my muscles tighten like bolts as I wait for the prince to strike me for my backtalk. But no strike comes. Instead, a wide grin starts to spread across his face and his crystalline eyes glitter like the clearwater lake.

Still, his smile shivers my insides with a bout of fear. He’s too unpredictable to trust off of one gesture.

“I expected this to be enough for me,” he tells me. “Now I find myself craving pleasure in your body against mine.”

Embarrassment creeps onto the pink hues of my cheeks and nose. I pinch my mouth.

“So this will be a thing,” I realise with an uncertain sigh. I need the white powder. It will help me survive this world long enough to make it home in two months. And he wants my body—the bargain that gives us both what we want.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t want him, too. Because I do—I only want it to come without all the terrifying danger.