Page 28 of The Wedding Bargain

Somehow he found the strength to hold back, to allow her to continue her voyage of discovery as she followed the contours of his ribs, his abdomen, his belly. But when she began to slide farther down, he knew it was time to take charge again, or it would be all over before it truly began.

Raif flipped her so she lay on her back, her glossy black hair a wave of darkness across the pristine white pillow, her eyes glazed with desire for him. A smile curved those beautiful, sweet lips of hers as she looked up.

“So, I can do to you what you do to me.” She said it as a statement, as if she’d discovered some incredible phenomenon.

“And what is that, exactly?” he asked, bending his head to nip at the lushness of her smile.

“Drive you crazy.”

“Completely and utterly over the edge.”

Even as he spoke, his hands were busy, one supporting most of his weight, the other sliding inexorably down to the apex of her thighs. He felt her heat, her wetness, and groaned.

“You’re so ready.”

“Then take me,” she urged, pressing her mound against the palm of his hand. “Make me feel some more.”

“You want me?”

He circled her center with the pad of his thumb, his fingers cupping her moist entrance.

“Yes, oh yes.”

Shanal’s breath came in short sharp gasps as he increased the pressure of his thumb, incrementally nearing that point of pleasure, taking delight in the uninhibited yearning that spread across her face. He eased one finger inside her, felt her instant response as she clenched tight around him.

“You like that?” he asked, brushing his lips over hers again.

“More, give me more, please,” she begged.

Her hands cupped his face and held him to her. Her lips, her tongue, responded to his in feverish delight. He eased a second finger inside her welcoming sheath, and increased the tempo of his thumb, his tongue now mimicking the movement of his fingers as he dipped and dived into the cavern of her mouth in tandem with the center of her core. He felt the moment she tipped over the edge as her body went rigid and strained against him, her fingers now curled tight in his hair, tugging against his scalp as, with a keening cry, she fell into the abyss of orgasm. Her body shook and trembled beneath him and he ached to follow her into that moment of bliss, barely managing to hold himself back. Slowly, gently, he quieted his movements.

After a few moments Shanal moved beneath him. “So that’s what everyone raves about? I had no idea. I mean, I’ve enjoyed sex before, not like that.”

He couldn’t help but feel an inordinate amount of pleasure that he should be the one to shatter her past experience into oblivion.

“That’s just the beginning,” he said. “We’ve got all night long.”

“Thank goodness,” she said with a small laugh. “Because I really want to do that again.”

“I’ve created a monster,” he groaned theatrically.

“Then I suggest you do something to soothe the beast,” Shanal responded, her hands back at his erection. “Because there was something missing in that last effort.”


“Yes, you.”

“Well, let’s see about correcting that, shall we?”

* * *

Shanal laughed softly, still amazed at the level of response this incredible man had coaxed from her body, and how, instead of leaving her sated, it had left her wanting more. More of him. And the laughter. She’d never laughed in such intimate circumstances with anyone before, yet with Raif everything was okay—natural. She shifted again so she was astride him, and positioned herself over his straining flesh.

“Shanal, wait, we don’t have—” Raif started.

But then she lowered herself onto him, taking him into her body, into her heart.

“Shanal,” he said again. “We—”

Again his voice cut off as she clenched his length with her inner muscles, the movement sending off ripples of exquisite sensation to spiral through her body. It was as if, having reached that miraculous height he’d brought her to just a little while before, her body now knew exactly what it wanted and exactly how to get it. It was liberating, and he’d done this for her. She moved, rocking and allowing him to withdraw slightly, before plunging down and rocking forward again and again and again, until she lost track of reason and time and could feel only pleasure as it built and built within.

Raif’s hands were at her hips, her breasts, everywhere. She felt her body straining toward completion and then it began—that starburst of intense joy, that sense of complete rightness. She looked down, lost in her voyage of discovery, her gaze locked with Raif’s. His hips pumped in unison with the movements of her body, his hands now clenched on her hips as he strained upward as if he wanted to lose himself in her forever. And then he hit his peak, his hips jerking, his arms closing around her to pull her down over him, crushing her against his chest as their bodies pulsed in unison.