With a savage roar loud enough to shake the foundations, he jets into my mouth. I choke on it, probably because I’m not ready to release him and the combination is too much.

I feel him dribbling down my chin and catch it with my fingers even while I swallow as much of him as I can.

It’s messy and incredible and I love it.

Another incomparable first to tuck away with the other phenomenalfirstsfrom tonight.

I look up at him and his gaze is riveted on the come-drenched finger I’m licking.

A shudder moves through him. “Christ, that’s so hot.”

His half-mast cock jerks one last time.

And then I feel his hands on the edge of my dress one second before a loud rips tears through the room.

I gasp and catch the tatters of the ruined dress against my chest before it drops. “What did you do that for? I-I don’t have anything else to wear.”

“I’ve seen what you wear to work. That asshole made you wear this, didn’t he?”

I grimace and nod.

His jaw clenches. “Then this piece of shit had to go. It offends me.” The feral wildness in his eyes threatens to shatter what’s left of my mind.

With sexy, easy strength, he tosses me back on the bed, naked and exposed to his untamed gaze when he grabs me by my ankles and spreads me wide.

“Tell me you’re not sore, baby. Daddy’s hungry.”

The sounds that emerge from my throat are incoherent enough to make me flush. But whatever’s on my face is enough for him to fall between my thighs, to boldly lap my swollen folds before parting me with his tongue.

Then he goes to town on me.

He doesn’t end up fucking me, but he eats me out, drawing three mind-bending orgasms from my body before he pulls me back into his arms.

“Sleep now, angel,” he rasps in my ear. “And don’t try to sneak off again. If I have to chase you down again, my cock is going up your virgin ass.”

Am I ashamed of the full-body shiver of anticipation that goes through me at that? And the wicked chuckle Matt gives when he feels it?


Just a little.

Not enough to stop me from imagining it for a good while before sleep claims me, though.

* * *

I wakeup to the sublime smell of coffee and baked goods.

For a minute, I’m disoriented, then it all comes flooding back.

Last night at the bar.

Seeing Matt properly for the first time in the break room.

Singing for him.

A drink, turned to dinner, turned to picnic on the beach, turned to…

My face heats up at all the decadent and incredible things that have happened to me since then.