Page 8 of Faerie Blood

Nicole scoffed. “He’s not old. He’s experienced. There’s a huge difference.”

When I saw him, I saw an elderly man. But maybe Nicole was right. He was the king after all. It wasn’t as though the Unseelie could be at war and have some feeble man at the helm. I’d seen his powerful commanding presence a few times. But never a fight. Never training for battle.

“Does he even train to fight anymore?” I asked.

Nicole tilted her head to the side, looking at me. “Everyone trains to fight, Cora. He’s the king. If he were unprepared there wouldn’t be a war. There would be a takeover. Quick and less painful.”

I frowned at her words, but she shook her head. “Don’t mind me, I’m horny because Aron leaving meant I didn’t get what I wanted last night.”

The absolutely ridiculous comment in the midst of our serious conversation had me barking out a surprising laugh. Only Nicole.

“Has anything like this happened before?” I asked.

Nicole shook her head. “Most of us who are our age grew up hearing the stories about war. Believe me there are quite a few about King Remus’ battlefield glories. But war was talked about as though it was there, but not actually there.”

I nodded, knowing what she meant because until a few weeks ago, I’d thought of it the same way. “And now, it’s here.”

“Now it’s here,” she repeated.

We sat in silence a bit longer. Nicole’s gaze trained outward, while I looked over the courtyard. Playing more memories in my head that I hadn’t quite worked through yet.

The smell here was beautiful, like some of the roses and florals from around the castle had seeped into the stones themselves. I hadn’t noticed anything pleasant the last time we’d been here. Hadn’t noticed much of anything except a hateful crowd and the fear of death that awaited us.

“How long do you think until the king heads out?” I asked.

Nicole inhaled slowly. “Tomorrow morning.”

“So soon?” I rose from my seated position and started to pace. Noah must be beside himself.

Nicole watched me carefully, not judging my reactions, but sometimes it was like she was a cat, taking in my movements so she could pounce. Or tease was the more probable thing.

“If the Seelie are on the move, the king going to the front lines helps the soldiers and inspires confidence. It would only help. And it needs to be quick. Who knows all the details. Even Aron didn’t tell me that much,” she said.

I shivered despite the warmth of the sun. “But leaving tomorrow is enough to think it’s a big deal.”

She nodded.

“Who will go with him?”


Ah, suddenly Nicole’s distance and quiet made sense. Despite the jokes she normally came up with where Aron was just her sex toy, her feelings were deep. And as she watched the horizon once more, I hugged her from behind.

She almost balked, but I squeezed harder. “Let me comfort you, Nicole. It’s okay to be worried.”

Her body slackened and we stayed huddled together, not speaking, but trying to process what might be happening on the battlefields of war that would draw the king and Captain Coltrain out immediately.

* * *

The last time we’d gathered here as a staff was to welcome Vanessa.

This time it was to say goodbye to our king.

My insides were destroyed and my body heavy with exhaustion. I’d barely slept, tossing and turning.

Noah had been with me for a little bit, as I let him lay with me. Stroking his back and hair until his gentle breathing grew heavy and I knew he was out. I, on the other hand, paced. Watched the gardens. And looked up at the sky.

The king had come out to address us all, clad in warrior attire. Thick chains that were magicked like the rest of the soldier uniforms draped around him.