Page 24 of Faerie Blood

Want to bet? I thought, remembering some of my own lies I’d cleverly come up with in the heat of the moment with the cops.

“So you all will make sure they recognize me at the castle and then be on your way? Or are you part of whatever happens to the woman?”

“Are you concerned about her? Or is it that my charming self will be leaving after meeting me so soon?” He winked at me.

I kept my eyes forward on the road, not used to being flirted with. “I didn’t even catch your name, so I’m not sure assuming you’re charming at all is the smart move here.”

The guard laughed, a deep belly laugh that did draw my attention to look at him that time.

“You are different than most feeders, that’s for sure.”

My lip curled involuntarily in disgust. “Oh, because I’m not docile and complying with everything you say? I probably have that reputation among the guards anyway if any are still around from when I was sentenced.”

The laughter died down from the man next to me. “You must have done something big but not dangerous if you were selected as a castle feeder, much less the crown prince’s.”

Not hearing a question in the statement, I kept walking, not giving up any information willingly.

“Ah, too far. I see. My apologies.”

The silence continued and the relief in the pit of my stomach as my feet hit the stone walk, signaling that I was almost home made me feel like a different person.

“I didn’t do anything,” I said. The knowledge that this was almost over and I wouldn’t be seeing the guard again was enough of a guilt trip for me to answer his earlier comment. “I fell through a portal and was found wandering on royal grounds. I was placed here and then assigned. Nothing extraordinary here.”

The guard stopped walking and looked me over like he had no idea what to make of me. “That’s not even the slightest bit true.”

I frowned at the blatant contradiction of my truth, and the guard shook his head. Like he was also surprised he’d been so forward.

“Almost there,” he said instead, picking up his pace.

Two castle guards came down the path toward us, and I recognized them in passing. “The queen and Prince Noah are gathered in the throne room waiting. They’d like to see you before the prisoner is brought in, Ms. Fray.”

“Certainly. Well…”

I turned to thank the jail guard, but the two new ones were shaking hands with him like they knew him, slapping his shoulder.

“You better come along too, Gregory. They’ll want any pieces of detail she can’t give,” one of the guards said.


I didn’t wait for any of them to move, instead making my way quickly up the few short steps and into the halls that would lead me to the throne room.

Vaguely aware that all the guards were close behind, I practically jogged to the throne room. I rounded the last corner, pushing against the doors as they opened.

Walking into a room full of people staring was not my favorite thing in the world. Especially the queen’s dagger-sharp gaze she so often gave me.

But it wasn’t just her and Noah there. Gabriel joined them, along with Nicole. As well as one or two council members I recognized. They had to have been told I was here or coming, given that the woman who had followed me and attacked was brought here before I was.

Slightly confused, I swayed as I pressed into the room, trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever questions would come next.

I’d barely stepped through the doors when Noah came running toward me.


One arm went around my waist and the other pressed my back, pulling me against his firm, strong body. Despite being in the throne room in front of too many people, he moved his hand from my back, pulling me away from him enough that he could look at me.

Seeing my face, he closed his eyes briefly, and then leaned in, kissing me.

Kissing me like he had to. Like he’d been holding his breath until seeing me again.

Like I was his.

The nobody human feeder, being claimed for all to know by the prince of the Unseelie.