Page 22 of Faerie Blood



The man was no savior. He was a vampire.

And I remembered Noah warning me against them specifically.

Scrambling, I moved backward. The elongated teeth and disgustingly pale skin wouldn’t have been enough to see it. But the prickles on my neck as my body screamed danger, in addition to the comments about tasting me were enough to trigger the loud warning in my head that this was not a vampire to trifle with.

“Marius, you will be punished if you sink your filthy fangs into her,” the man who had attacked me warned.

I thought now might be a good time to speak up that they had the wrong person. I wasn’t royalty, let alone fae.

“I’m not royalty, you idiot,” I spat. “I’m the prince’s feeder.”


The horrible smile that spread over Marius the vampire's face triggered my legs to move. And now. Telling them I was a lowly human feeder was probably the wrong move. If he didn’t care about being punished for sucking on a fae, he certainly wouldn’t care about a human.

He was fast, too incredibly fast to fight with no magic. I screamed, as long and loud as I could. “Help, in the alleyway Seeli—”

Marius had me pinned suddenly before I could choke out any more. My stomach was pressed down into the dirt as his knee shoved into my back. “Ah, fighting makes you more delicious.” I squirmed, using my shoulders to attempt to push off the ground as dirt gagged me the more it was kicked up.

A sharp sensation ran down my neck as the vampire leaned in. “So beautiful when they fight.”

I gritted my teeth, refusing to let him win, not yet anyway. Even if he was stronger and faster, I’d fight.

I relaxed my body, hoping to throw him off guard and lure him into thinking I’d submitted.

When I heard his chuckle, I made my move, throwing a handful of dirt back toward his eyes.

He growled and I jerked and pulled my body out from under him.

“Warner, you fool, she’s making too much noise!” the woman hissed as the stranger tugged on my arms. He may have been helping to pull me away from the vampire, but he wasn’t safe either.

“Seelie spies! Help me!”

My voice wasn’t as loud as it had been last time, but I had to keep going.

“This way!” In the distance voices picked up and expletives flew from this Warner guy’s mouth.

The alley swarmed with the guards, surrounding all of us. Marius, of course, was gone with only the breeze of his exit left behind, but the guards closed in on Warner and the woman.

One of the chain mail-clad guards grabbed my arm, pulling me behind them. Apparently it had been obvious I was the one in need of rescuing, thank goodness.

“Come quietly, by order of the queen.”

I pursed my lips. The queen might have very well been happy for these villains to take me, for all these guards knew. But the word “Seelie” had caught their attention. No doubt why, and now there were quite a few of them gathering.

Warner started fighting two of the guards closest to him, easily defeating them by tossing them aside as though they weighed nothing. If I’d witnessed that display of strength, I might not have fought so bravely against him. The woman was not having as much luck, though.

“Stop him!”

There was a burst of smoke and a crackling noise as a fire popped up, raging in front of Warner. Our eyes met again through the flames and with a narrowed glare, he turned.

By the time the guards stomped out the fire, Warner was gone from sight, leaving just the woman behind.

“You’re coming with us,” one guard said, thrusting the point of his sword at her throat.