Page 13 of Faerie Blood

After all, it was still forbidden, Noah being with his human feeder. And I’d rather stay out of the queen’s mind just in case it pissed her off enough to bring in another fiancée for Noah.

Not that the last one went over very well since she tried to have him killed so she could take over the throne. Chills ran down my spine at the thought of that evil woman and the way she’d taken the joy from the castle like a witch.

“Ready?” Noah’s voice was low as he leaned down close to me.

I nodded, glancing back at the lieutenant standing in for Captain Aron. We had a rough start, but he had been kind today during training, so I gave him a wave before following the prince out.

Nicole speaking of “me time” was practically a joke, but perhaps that was because Noah kept me close by. The only times I wasn’t with him was during the private war sessions in chambers below the main castle halls.

That was usually when I’d spend my time with the king, so alone time, me time really wasn’t happening.

Although given the fresh start to our relationship, I didn’t mind it so much. At least not yet.

“Meet me in the garden by the telescope? In ten? I have some time before my morning meetings.” Noah leaned down toward my ear as he whispered while we walked through the halls.

“Fifteen?” I raised my shoulders, folding my hands in a plea. “Maybe I can actually have a second to brush my hair?” My hygiene was the first thing taking a hit from the increased schedule. Normally it wouldn’t have been that bad, but Noah had insisted that I go with him to all meetings.

Which meant by the time I got home to my bed in the evenings, I wanted to sleep. For hours. Weeks maybe.

“Fifteen, just because you asked so sweetly.” Noah laughed, tipping his finger under my chin before he jogged forward, leaving me to get ready for some true alone time.

Getting ready ended up taking me eight minutes, and a quick jog through the double doors at the back of the castle that led to the garden had me there in thirteen minutes.

“And she’s early.” I bowed, entering through a low hedge that protected our small space we’d discovered here.

The telescope wasn’t the only thing we’d moved into the open garden space. A table and chairs were nearby, a good place to keep all my books and journals marking different constellations to share with the king.

Noah also had a small gazebo built, who knows when, that sat right at the edge, which was perfect for protecting the telescope and the table and chairs when need be.

“No one likes a gloat, Cora.” Noah’s smile grew as he took me by the hand and pulled me tightly to his chest. “I want to show you something. But you can’t tell anyone.”

I nodded excitedly. “I promise.”

Noah knelt in front of a small patch of soil, and I sat next to him.

“Did the gardeners come recently?”

Noah shook his head, and a smile spread over his face. “No. Remember how I said I could draw energy from things the Unseelie used to be able to control and use as a power source?”

I nodded, feeling a slight crease form between my eyes. “Yes, earth and fire.”

“Right. Here’s what drawing it used to look like for me.”

I leaned back, watching Noah extend a hand on the grassy area next to the soil patch. He held his hand straight, hovering parallel to the ground, just as I’d seen him do to a wound I’d had when I’d been injured during the magical siege on the palace.

A small light glowed under his hand and grew bright, disappearing not even a full second later.

“What did you see?” Noah asked.

I sucked in my bottom lip. “Uhm, well, your hand glowed briefly like it does when you’re healing. But it wasn’t much.” I shrugged, not wanting to offend him.

He tilted his head to the side and laughed. “You never watch what you say, don’t start now. It looked a bit uninspired.”

“Okay, yes. I might not have even noticed had I not seen that same light before.” I watched Noah, a smile growing on his face. Why he was so excited about this little spark was beyond me. “Is that the only energy you've been using? While everyone else is guzzling blood from humans like they need some all-powerful energy source?”

Noah shook his head from side to side. “I think we overuse that gift. The energy from magic is almost like a high, if you will. It’s as though you've consumed your weight in mead but will have none of the consequences of drinking too much the next day. It’s a good feeling. A great feeling. Yes, we need energy to train harder, to wake longer for preparations for war, now even more so.”

“But?” I asked.