Page 11 of Faerie Blood


Additionally, Phillip made sure to save you some of the cinnamon rolls and sweet breads he’d cooked. Enjoy them.

I read the letter three times as my eyes welled with tears at the way the king referenced me. The way he saw me.

Holding the note to my chest as if I were hugging the king himself, I realized that all this time, while I was imagining our time together like father and daughter, he was thinking the same thing.

I smiled as the smell of cinnamon traveled up my nose again. And the gift from Phillip warmed me as well. Lifting the silver topper, I picked up one of Phillip’s sweet breads and moaned as I leaned back in my chair.

It tasted like heaven. Heck, if Phillip wasn’t a human I’d think that maybe he drew some magic from baking like Noah did from the earth. I chuckled at the thought and continued enjoying my surprise treat.

After finishing off more than I should have in one sitting I looked back over to the window. My birdie had disappeared, and the quiet that enveloped the room was a stark contrast from what life had been like in the castle as of late.

A low rumble in the distance and the darkened mid-morning sky signaled the storm that was coming.

I walked over to the window, wrapping my arms around me and staring out over the garden and the horizon beyond.

The wind picked up and something stirred in my gut.

The quiet was almost eerie, like it was just passing through for a moment. A small lull as the real storm gathered its strength to hit us—hard.

The ominous thought grew inside of me, almost feeling like something within me was screaming a warning.

A crack of lightning flashed across the sky. I couldn’t shake the feeling from the way it had burrowed itself into my being.

It didn’t even feel like a fear anymore.

Instead, it was as though I had actual knowledge that things were about to get…messy.